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Lost African Grey - Hillsboro, OREGON


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The worst has happened. Athena (who calls herself T-Bird) got outside on 7/13. We have done everything possible to try to find her, including posting on every website we can think of like Parrot911, PetHarbor, Humane Society, local animal shelters, calling vets, posting flyers (upwards of 500) around town at all major grocery stores, intersections, the library, churches and parks. Some people have called to say they think they've seen our bird, but no one can remember seeing the red tail. And of course, we've never actually sighted her ourselves. We haven't even heard her.


We are so devestated. I probably should have posted here before but it's been so difficult to verbalize my feelings about this. We run through all the emotions on a daily basis - fear, horror, guilt, hope, motivation, devestation. I keep trying to stay positive but it's so hard when you don't know where your bird is or what's happening to her. Hopefully if someone finds her they will check here ... 1-2b0860e33e1865740da73b7497acbfe7.jpg


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We sure have had our share of lost greys lately and now another member has one missing but it looks like you are doing all you can to get her back, don't give up, she is out there and the more people that know it the better your chances of getting her back, please keep us informed.

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Oh No Zandische. How terrible. :ohmy:


I know your feelings very well and you having endured them for a month now is really wearing on your both physically and mentally I'm sure.


Please know that we're here for you anytime, even PM me or anyone else if you just want to chat about it.


I pray that Athena is already in a safe place and that it's just a matter of you finding them or them finding you.

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I was hoping there'd be some news zandische after we were chatting last night. I don't think you can do any more than you are doing - but I understand that you'll never think that what you are doing is enough - you are doing all you can to bring T-bird home. Fingers and toes crossed for little Athena. Jill x

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Thank you everyone for your support. We are having such a tough time with this. I know you guys understand our pain. But yes, I think at this point we are getting the word out everywhere we can, so now we just have to have a lot of faith that things will work out.


We recently got a tip from one of the local parrot-only stores that someone was in and said their friend recently found an African Grey. There aren't many who've gone missing in our area so there's a really good change it could be ours. Unfortunately the store owner didn't recall immediately who that person was, but she is still trying to track them down. She said they are a regular customer so maybe they will come back soon.


Just keeping our fingers crossed and keeping all our information current out there...and praying like mad that if someone has our bird, they will see our info and call us!

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This sounds so reassuring. Like you say, if there's not many go missing around your area there is a very good chance this is Athena. I bet you feel like camping out at the pet store. Fingers and toes crossed that this person is seen again soon, and that the grey this person has taken in is Athena. :)

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Oh Zandische, that one lead could definitely be Athena.


When Jake flew the 2nd time and was found 9 days later. The people actually responded to my Craigslist email.


It took 3 days to convince them that he was Jake and I would be there to get him the next day. The wife and family of course had become "Attached" to him and I could tell she did not want to let him go. In fact she left the room when I said "Well, I better get him in to his carrier". Her husband was the one pushing for "Doing the right thing".


I would really bug that petshop owner and hunt down the person that found an African Grey. If there aren't many in your area and no others have been reported missing, the odds are that it is Athena.


I'm praying and hoping this turns out in the final end of this lead,that Athena is brought back home with you. :-)

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Yes, that is my greatest fear - that whoever found my bird is growing attached and doesn't want to give her back. At this point I have to assume they've seen my info, unless they don't live anywhere nearby. I have posters at every major grocery store in the area, I post continuously on craigslist, I'm on 911parrotalert, I've alerted all the rescues and posted flyers at all the pet stores and I've contacted all the vets that handle parrots. I just find it hard to believe they haven't seen my info - especially if their "friend" (the one who mentioned the found grey to the pet store owner) is a parrot person too. Even before this experience the very first thing I would've recommended to someone who found a bird was to check craigslist or call the avian vet!


And then I keep worrying that maybe they ARE looking for someone but I'm missing some major place which is the only place they're looking...Sigh.


I just keep praying for the right thing to happen!<br><br>Post edited by: zandische, at: 2009/08/16 00:37

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  • 1 month later...

I just wanted to post an update on this.


Unfortunately, I do not have good news. We have never found Athena. There were a number of "sightings" or heresay sightings but none of them ever panned out. We've gone through an exhaustive search for our bird and the hope when someone calls and then depression when it's not our bird is so draining. We continue to post on Craigslist and post flyers, check the newspapers, vets, etc, but it's been 3 months now. The weather is turning cold and rainy and it reminds us all over again that she might still be out there and in need.


But, I cannot live my life in misery. She took a large piece of my heart with her, but the good things she gave me are things I'll keep forever. I want very much to believe that she is warm and safe in a happy home somewhere.


I can say that since we've lost her we've been involved in three separate grey rescues. We've also been able to help a number of other birds (budgies, cockatiels and an amazon) get home too. At least we've been able to help other people get their birds back. I wish one of them had been ours, but it makes me feel better knowing a few people have gotten that special miracle. I pray every day for the angels to watch over my baby, and I also pray that she found someone who is taking care of her. If she never comes home I just hope she's making someone else's life as happy as she made ours.


I haven't given up hope that she'll come home some day, but I desperately miss having a bird in my life. I parrot-sit for friends on occasion and those days are just so joyful for us. I don't know when or if we'll find that "special" bird again, but we're considering opening our hearts and giving it a chance to happen. It's still a very raw wound so we'll see what happens, but I think sometimes you need love to heal those deep wounds.


Thank you all for your help and prayers. You are a great community and we've learned so much from you.

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I am so saddened to hear you haven't found Athena but never give up hope. You have a kind and loving heart to hope your bird may have found a new home with someone else and not you but as long as she is alive and well that is all that matters. I pray that you will one day find her safe and sound and you are reunited once again with her presence.


I don't know how you can handle helping others to be reunited with their lost birds and all the while yours is in the same predictament, it must be hard to see their smiling happy faces while yours is full of sorrow but it shows what a great person you must be.


I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers that Athena is found and she is well but do give getting another bird a lot of thought, it can be very rewarding.

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What a wonderful thing you are doing to help others find their lost companions. I hope you will be blessed by finding your sweet Athena soon. If you need to help heal your heart by getting another fid then by all means do so. I think it is the greatest honor to remember a loved one by filling your heart with love for another. I pray Athena is safe.

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