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leg bands


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ok i've been having the hardest time looking for a leg band for Gismo where do i get them and usually how much are they?? i have searched the internet for like 3 hours now and still cant find anything... please can someone tell me where to get them or point me to a site that i can order one?? Gismos a CAG and i need to know what size to get and what it should have on it and everything. thanks



Kym & Gismo

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I'm curious....Why would you want to band your greys leg. Most owners have it removed for safety reasons. Many birds have lost a foot due to the band getting caught on a toy, etc.

I had my grey's band removed when she was 2 for those reasons.

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Leg bands are put on when the baby is small enough to slip the band on and the baby grows into it so it doesn't come off. I chose to not have my grey's band put on for safety reasons as I have heard horror stories about how they can get them caught on something and break their leg or die from their injuries.


Why in the world would you want one now? The band usually has the information about where and when it was hatched.

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This is the most common place to purchase leg bands but what info would you put on it?


The truest info that's on a leg band is one that's put on by a breeder before the bird is 10 to 14 days after birth. That's a permanent band. It can only be removed by a vet or vet technition.

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Harvey was "banded" by the breeder when he was born - would you all advise I have it removed? To be honest, I don't really think that there's much that Harvey could get his caught on in our home - unless somebody can come up with some examples?


He's never left alone and doesn't go upstairs without us - he's always "supervised".

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Jill, I had Charlies band removed after reading a very upsetting post on hear. Charlies band was a split band and posed more of a risk in my view than a closed band.I have the removed band safe and his microchip is his id.The decision to remove Harveys band is up to you but Yes I would recomend removal.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/08/13 20:35

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There's 2 ways of doing this and you'll be perfectly satisfied.--have the vet carefully remove the band but tell him that all the info on the band should remain. Then put the band away. many people do this and and many people never remove them. One of my quakers has one and years ago it was the only way to identify important info. He still has it and flies all over the place, wire grating, mesh grating etc. Never a problem. One of my greys has one and it simply would be too traumatic for him to have it removed. Everything I've done with him over the laast 4 years would go down the drain. He's learning how to fly into a small metal grating and he's had no problems. So, the choice is yours. Just make sure you keep that band in a safe place.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/08/13 20:41

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My vet removed Rikki's solid band and kept her info in tact. He also said he has heard and seen many tragic accidents where the bird was injured because of the bands. Even tho I was very careful, there are always those freak accidents that you can't for see.


Imagine what could happen if your bird did manage to escape outside and got his band caught on a branch or something else.....:ohmy:

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I would like to have the bands on my two birds removed. The vet says there is a potential to damage the leg on removal of the band. He says it is better to just leave them on. Is this true? Or should I find another vet? I WOULD NEVER have them VOLUNTARILY PUT ON. You can see the gap clearly in the band, and how it could be a cause for harm.

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THAT IS NOT TRUE!!!! My vet charged me $10, took out some heavy duty snippers, had the nurse hold my bird gently in a towel, and in the blink of any eye, made 2 snips and it was off. Rikki never knew what happened. painless and harmless.

Get a new vet! This one doesn't know what they are talking about. I have heard that some say you have to put the bird under.....if your vet says it's harmful, then they don't have any avian experience.

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God, they're so easy to get off - I just never had the inclination (but I am considering it now) - I can't believe your vet told you that they might damage your bird's leg! What are they removing the band with - a chainsaw!! What a fool - I wouldn't be letting that vet anywhere near my bird - if they can't remove a simple band I'd hate to see their full knowledge in case something was drastically wrong!

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3 of my birds have leg bands and it does worry me my Indian ringneck especially because he is so active and can get into the tiniest of places. My 2 Macaws also have leg bands Jeepers I don't worry about to much because he doesn't move off his playstand unless I step him up. Harley I think should have his cut off he is very active and loves to play and show off I think tomorrow when I take him in I'll see what my vet thinks about it and if it doesn't cost to much maybe I'll get it removed

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