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I feel frustrated and wonder if anyone has any suggestions. I am a nurse and work all sorts of weird shifts. for example tommorrow I work 3pm to 3am. sometimes I am required to work graveyard shifts. So I have to sleep in later than the bird. My apartment is small and Abby is very vocal. In the mornings if I leave the sheet over her cage she is quiet, but I feel guilty leaving it there unitl I get up. My apartment is really small and I can not sleep if she is talking a lot. I want this to work but i'm feeling really stressed about meeting her needs. I'm not sure if I'm giving her enough attention and wonder if there will ever be quiet time with her. Today I started packing to move into a larger apartment and she talked all day with out a break. Is that normal? Is it becuase I need to get her new toys? She is still biting me pretty hard but is getting better but she has also become less affectionate. I am hoping the new larger apartment will be better for everyone. I do not want to see if the owner will take her back becuase this is her third home in 3 years and she really is a good bird and she has been threw enough... Does anyone have any suggestions? How can I meet her needs and my needs?

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Your constantly changing schedule is tough, but your newly re-homed Grey will adjust to it as it becomes the "Norm" for your household.


When they are just sitting, preening and watching a person work, yes they chatter, whistle and make sounds constantly unless they start drifting off to sleep.


The important thing, is that you are spending 3 to 4 hours of quality time with your grey a day and building the relationship and some type of normalcy to what your Grey knows to expect. Granted there will be times you may not be able to give that much quality time, but it should be a constant in your Greys daily routine.


Only you can truly answer the question of whether you can do this or not. If you decide you can not, the sooner that bird gets to a "Final" home, the better.


It's great to hear you trying so hard to make this work. :-)

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So sorry Catsnack if having a grey isn't working out for you. Abby is probably calling out to you because she is lonely or just needs attention. I leave a TV or radio on if I am not available for my fids during the day. Because I am a night person, I don't get up early. My fids have adjusted to my being a late riser. I always make sure I clean their cages and refresh all the dry foods and water before I put them to bed at night so they have things to eat when they get up early. They have a lot of foraging and shredables in their cages so they can stay busy. They are however out of these cages first thing when I get up and I talk to them a lot. They only go back in if I will not be around or at bedtime. Only you know if you are giving Abby the quality time she deserves. They are very intelligent creatures and like all smart beings they need stimulation and kept busy. Good luck on whatever you decide, I know you will do what is best for your sweet grey.

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Ah, sorry you don't think this is working out - but thousands upon thousands work shifts - our days are just back to front and mixed up a little.


I'm out at work from 06.15 each morning and come in at around 16.00 - Harvey does not suffer from this at all. He has toys, treats, the radio etc to keep him happy and when I come in he's out of his cage.


It doesn't matter what times you work - you still have "me time" - it's just that now it's "Me and Abby Time". Enjoy it - it'll be fun!


Harvey does whistle away and does make some hilarious sounds, but that's why we love him!


Keep at it - it's new and different - and they're lots of hard work - but, looking at all of these guys - and what they've achieved it makes it even more special. ;)

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