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Hi Bob, sounds like you are an old hand with fids. I too have a male Eclectus and if I get another bird I would like it to be a sun conure. If you like, you can share your Eclectus and sun conure with us in the "Other Birds Room." What are your companions' names? Looking forward to hearing more about your new grey. Welcome to the Grey family!

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Hello Bob and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your fids.


I also have a sun conure and she can be loud at times but she is also very sweet, she is my bird but she does go to some others, it just depends on who it is but one thing is for sure she is a shoulder ornament, thats where you will find her when she is out of her cage.


I can imagine that it gets very loud sometimes at your apartment when your fids get vocal, I don't have a problem since I live in the country and have no close neighbors. My grey Josey is very quiet except for her vocal times but she is fond of saying shut up to my conure in response to her screams.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for including a picture of your grey in your introduction post and btw, what is your grey's name?

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Hi Bob! Welcome to the forum! Henry is very handsome. Does he let you handle him? I would also like to hear about all your other birds, if you want to introduce them in the "other birds" room that would be awesome. I hope to hear more from you and your flock. ;)

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cait hi and thanks yes henry does let me handle him but not as much as i can with my other birds um peting is out of question right now lol but he steps up after out the cage im working on him leting me take him from the cage he dont bit hard just pushes me away!!

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