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my kids were playing outside today (i live in an apartment and we have a playground that's right outside my patio door) and willis (my grey) was sitting on his perch looking out the window at the kids playing. my neighbor's kid is friends with my daughter and they both came up to the patio and the neighbor saw willis and said that she had a parrot too. she didn't know what kind but it's smaller than a grey and green and they also had a morning dove. (she said both birds shared a cage) anyway, my daughter and the neighbor were talking (like 10 y.o. girls do) and the neighbor said her parrot bites her and her mom all the time and you have to flick it in the beak to get it to stop. my daughter quickly said we don't do that to willis cuz that's kind of mean, which i was very proud of her for realizing...but what is WRONG with some pple?!?! why would they think that's ok to do? that's like cracking the kids upside the head everytime they do something wrong... i don't understand some pple's logic or reasoning.


along the same lines, my other neighbor on the end of my building has a cag that she's had about a year. she's in a wheelchair and not too mobile and no one really visits her, so i'm pretty sure she got him for companionship, which i totally understand. she doesn't believe in clipping a birds wings (nor do i unless it's absolutely necessary) which is awesome, but when he flies to the top of the cupboard or somewhere else she can't reach from her wheelchair, she can't reach him. so her solution is to leave him in the cage all the time so he can't fly too high for her to reach, instead of clipping his wings. in this case i think clipping the wings is a better solution than leaving him in his cage 24/7. i've even offered to help her if she can't get him down. i just don't understand...and it upsets me!


sorry for the long post i just had to vent!

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GorgASS have you directed your neighbor to the Forum? It might be just as hard to get her grey from the ground/floor if he is clipped and slides down. Perhaps she could save his favorite treats for when he comes to her. I know if I say "Want a treat, come here" to Ana Grey she comes to me ASAP, little greedy piggy that she is!!!:laugh: I hope your neighbor will at least let you help her get her grey down from the cabinets. This makes me very sad, I hope a better solution is found. Please let us know what happens. Karma to you for trying.

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i think i'm going to go over and talk to her again. i never thought of trying to get her on here tho thanks! she's actually my neice's grandma, and from what i've heard he's pretty mean now from being in the cage all the time. (actually it's the same thing that happened to her other bird-can't think of what kind he was right now- but he used to be out and then she stuck him in his cage all the time and got rid of him when he started screaming constantly). i even thought of taking him new toys. i make a lot of shreddable toys for willis and he just loves them, so i was thinking about making a few for her bird too...just so he has something new to do. willis also will fly to ANYONE if they have an almond wrapped in tissue paper he loves those things! (you can even fool him with regular tissue paper-you know the kind pple use to wrap presents in? he gets quite upset when he discovers a 'stupid human toy' inside of it instead of an almond! lol) maybe i could help her find something like that she could use to lure him down if he goes too high. and i never thought about him being too low for her to get if he goes on the floor, so thank you for pointing that out. i'll have to go talk to her and see if she has the internet...i'll let you know what happens!

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""""""but when he flies to the top of the cupboard or somewhere else she can't reach from her wheelchair, she can't reach him. so her solution is to leave him in the cage all the time so he can't fly too high for her to reach, instead of clipping his wings. in this case i think clipping the wings is a better solution than leaving him in his cage 24/7. i've even offered to help her if she can't get him down. i just don't understand...and it upsets me!""""""""""



Clipping really wouldn't help cause the bird would still find it's way back up to any high area but it may be harder for the bird to fly back because of shortened wings. Her solution may be the reverse. Leave the cage door open and put tempting things in the cage that would draw the bird back to the cage.

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Dave is right but I will add that if she only puts his food and water in the cage then he has to go back inside the cage to eat or get a drink and when he does shut him up if she wants him back in the cage, problem solved.


GorgAss, you can talk to the woman and see if she wants to join our family to get some advice but let her know it is not the right thing to do to shut him up in his cage all the time.


Yes I agree, some people should not have birds or any pets for that matter:angry:

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I know how hard it is to watch uneducated people do what the do to their birds. I just got a new Harlequin Macaw I don't know if you have read about it in the other birds room. But the woman I got him from Claimed she loves her birds but they sit in cages that are way to small with no toy and metal perches so they don't chew. She feeds them bulk parrot food and only a little bit twice a day because their dishes are too small for the holders so the birds dump them so she takes the dishes out when they are finised eating so they don't waste food. the cages are held together with coat hangers instead of nuts and bolt because the birs unscrewed them and she couldn't find them so instead of buying new ones a peice of coat hanger twisted is what she used Idon't think she ever heard of heavy metal poisoning I know she has never once taken any of her birds to the vet ever. She says she loves them but has never taken the time to educate herself on to proper way to look after a bird to me its abuse even if its not done malishisly thats why its important to do research before taking on the responsibility of these wonderful creatures. It makes me mad also but theres not much we can do about it I did give her a few books that I had hopfuly she will read them but she probubly won't.

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It is sad, because most people shouldnt have birds. but the pet industry is huge and if people can make money off of selling birds they will continue to do it. they might give new buyers a few pointers on how to take care of their new bird, but it seems they will sell them to anyone who has the money. :angry:


it is all about being greedy and the birds suffer for it.

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Maybe you could come up with a way to befriend that beak bashing neighbor and get the opportunity to give them some pointers on caring for Greys in casual conversation. Obviously the Grey is still biting and they keep "Flicking" the beak and that just keeps the same old routine going and pisses the Grey off, as you know.


This lady may have read or heard from some friend that "Beak Flicking" is the way to deal with biting. That type of information is all over the web and gets passed on by innocent and unknowing people thinking they are helping.


In regards the disabled lady, Dave and Judy gave GreYt thoughts and ideas.


I would like to add a few more. Perhaps you could befriend her also and offer some ideas to try. The food in the cage is a GreYt idea. How about mounting a perch with a small cup holder to her wheelchair. The Grey could roost on it and get it's favorite treat when the lady wishes to have him come down to her. Perhaps this would aide in changing his favored roosting spot a bit.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/12 15:12

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