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You Can Run, But You Can't Hide!


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Hi, Everyone! We are having so much fun with this topic in the "What Do You Look Like" thread, that I thought it best to continue it here instead.


LADIES, We seem to have some pretty handsome men here in this forum, but they appear to be a little shy :pinch: ......especially Mr. Paramedic.....:P So I thought we should all "Welcome" them here. Let them know they don't have to run from us. I mean they can try, but we can definitely beat them at our own game.

Can't we ladies?? :kiss:


So, How about it You Handsome Men.........Get your running shoes on, get set, go! And just in case you're wondering....we really are harmless, aren't we ladies? And remember, all in good, clean fun! This is a Family Forum remember.


I'm sure Judy will be the first to start...in fact, seeing as she is the First Member to Post 1000 Posts, let's give her a head start!


Here are a few of my very favorites:




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Talon that was a great intro for this!!! :laugh:


Now, I have definately made my mind up, that I will not be posting my photo!! You would probably turn me into a Pepe long stockins, since I see you made CD a Polly Anna :silly:


You are all having too much fun with this!!



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Dan, What are you talking about....no photo! Wait until that wife of your's logs on. I'll get you good then!!:evil:




Don't worry, Talonsis will be gentle with you.....She really will, after all your kind of new here and we don't want to scare you away.{Feel-good-0002006E}

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Talon wrote:

She really will, after all your kind of new here and we don't want to scare you away.{Feel-good-0002006E}


Well since CD isn't new I don't have to be nice? ;) :silly:


This one was a quickie, I was doing it at 10 o'clock at night when I was supposed to be in bed...:whistle:




sorry CD!! :silly: {Feel-good-00020069}



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You men are such good sports!.........Well, some of you are...........okay, a couple of you are..............................the rest are just a BUNCH OF CHICKENS!!!{Nature-000200A9} {Nature-0002009B}

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TalonSis wrote:

Talon wrote:
She really will, after all your kind of new here and we don't want to scare you away.{Feel-good-0002006E}


Well since CD isn't new I don't have to be nice? ;) :silly:




sorry CD!! :silly: {Feel-good-00020069}



Oh you take after your mother do you know that... ;) But like I told her and now I'll tell you.. No matter what you do to that CD dude he's still HOT.. :P :P :P

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xxbeccyxx wrote:

awww.. no.... i was thinking more along the lines of digging a big hole to put you in :P;)


Reminds me of a song.. Follow You Home by Nickelback.


Well you can dig me up a grave

And try and stick me in the ground

Well you can tie me to the bed

And try and beat me half to death

But you can never keep me down

Well you can stick me in a hole

And you can pray all day for rain

You can shoot me in the leg

Just to try to make me beg

And you can leave me there for days



And I'll stay alive

Just to follow you home

And I will survive

'Cause you're my Mississippi Princess

You're my California Queen

Like the Duchess of Detroit

And every city in between

You can slap me in the face

You can scream profanity

Leave me here to die alone but

I'll still follow you home

I'll still follow you home


You can make a couple calls

And tell your brothers I'm in town

Put a bounty on my head

And tell my parents that I'm dead

And hope to hell I'm never found

You can steal me the keys

To your daddy's Cadillac

You can tamper with the brakes

Call it a mistake

And pray I'm never coming back




You can dig me up a grave

And try and stick me in the ground

You can tie me to the bed

And try and beat me half to death

But you can never keep me down


And I will survive

'Cause you're my Mississippi Princess

You're my California Queen

Like the Duchess of Detroit

And every city in between

You can slap me in the face

You can scream profanity

Leave me here to die alone but

I'll still follow you home

I'll still follow you home


There ya go Beccy.. I'm coming for ya.. :P<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/07/13 18:24

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