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:cheer: hello everybody my name is diane and iam awaiting my baby grey to come home between now and 2 weeks and i just got wait it really is like waiting for the baby to be born lol .just wondering has anyone got any hints and tips for me as i would be very grateful for all ur advice as i have never had a parrot b4 ... in my profile pic thats my baby with his brothers/sisters speak to u all soon:P

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Hello Diane and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new baby grey.


I hope you have read and researched so you will know what to expect when you bring that baby grey home for you are committing to a lifetime with a bird that demands a certain amount of your time and depends on you for its very existence.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Those are some beautiful babies in your avatar and I look forward to seeing some of your actual baby when you can get us some.

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Hello Dianemelissa, welcome to the forum! Congrats on finding your baby grey. How old is he/she? I know what you mean about the wait lol it seems like forever and a day but its so worth it in the end. These babies are such a joy to have. I have a 6 month old CAG named Ecko and he is so much fun. Have you decided on any names yet? I suggest you read through the threads in the Nursery room, it has a lot of great info, especially the sticky threads(the ones at the very top with a pin next to it.) I look forward to hearing more about you and your new baby grey. If you have anymore pics to share we would love to see. ;)

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thanks for the welcome!!!were is the nursey room so i can go and read the names we have got are roco or winnie depending on which one we get as the one i want looks like a girl and the one my daughter wants looks like a boy lol if u no wat i mean there just have a different look ..

i have done nothing but read and do loads of reseach about these birds i just cant wait to get him here now thanks {Feel-good-000200B9}

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Hi Diane - I agree that this site is great! I don't own a facebook account, bebo, twitter or any other forum related stuff and this is the first one I have ever joined.


You will find all of the people on here so friendly - and everyone is spread throughout the world (and they are all in my study each evening!!)


Any questions that you deem stupid, aren't stupid - ask these guys and they'll give you all the answers - without making you feel stupid. We are on a learning curve (Harvey's 8 months old now) and I think I might be on this curve for some time! Welcome to the forum - hope you love it as much as I do! Jill x

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hi diane, and welcome to the site all of us are parrot mad on here. Have u got your new baby grey yet they all look adorable on the pic, i have had my grey for nearly two years now and he is a delight to have around, u will have such joy and fun times ahead, im still learning with him trying to bath him at minute early days but he does like a good spray with a spray bottle. Try and post some new pics of your baby as he gets a little older would be nice to see him or her grow.

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hi gill ,my baby should be home next week i really cant wait no more haha i went to c them on monday and 1 of them is already trying to say hello its so funny they will be 12 weeks on thursday ,the breeder just wants them to drink a bit better on there own as they are still getting 1 feed at nite.as soon as i bring her own i will take pics and put them on here ..speak to u soon

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