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The Sophie Project


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I thought I'd start a thread to document the progress of my new four year old not so trusting Grey. For the people who have not read my introduction post I will briefly cover how I acquired this bird. I have an aquarium store which I bring my Sun Conjure to everyday. I purchased the Sun "Captain Jack" as a hand fed baby and besides his horrible screeching he's been pretty much a cake walk of a pet. A customer had come in several times and noticed how Captain Jack and I had interacted and offered one of his grey's to me. He had purchased one for his sister and she didn't care for it's sounds that they make so she gave it back to him. He has had her for four years. The gentleman was not really into handling his birds so here lie's my situation. I love to interact with my pets. I had stated in my introduction that Sophie was a fearful bird but in the three weeks that I've had her I don't believe she's all that fearful as she just doesn't quite trust me yet. When I first took her to my store she would make horible sounds when you put your hands in the cage. After a week I figured out she LOVES sunflower seeds. I eliminated the seed feed that had sunflower seeds in it and I now use them as a training tool. I report today that she will let me touch her beak for quite a while now and I'm starting to move to the top of her head. She doesn't care for that so much but time will tell.


The reason for "The Sophie Project" post is I hope to encourage others to accept untamed birds. I will post Sophie's progress as time goes on. I believe most people here have hand feed babies and form my experience it's not quite the same thing. I do love challenges in life and this one's has me intrigued.

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Pugman, karma to you for starting this thread. I for one will be waiting to see how things progress for you and Sophie. Sophie is very lucky to have found you and I know without a doubt that she will have you wrapped around her finger/wing in no time.:laugh: ;) Sophie is so worth the time and will be a wonderful forever companion. Good Luck!!!

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Karma to you for trying to help this beautiful bird to have a better more full filling life I took the same kind of bird in to my home 2 years ago her name is Tyco progress was slow and steady it took me 7 months for her to allow me to touch her feathers. Now she's a wonderful companion she love her kisses and scritches at night before bed she talks in context and is very smart. She accepts new things very quickly. She isn't a cuddly Grey but nor is she mean at all she has a sweet nature and really likes company. She doesn't shy away from anyone anymore she will put on the cutsy act for anyone willing to talk to her. She will only step up for me and if someone else trys she will step up but once she there she will give your finger a good bite usually not enough to break the skin but hard enough to know you've been bitten expect to be sore for awhile. You are doing something very wonderful and very rewarding I look forward to reading all your updates and I hope your new companion turns out as wonderful as mine has.

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My hat is off to you, I am in a similar situation though my female seems to be more of a lover than she lets on. She just was never trained to step onto a hand (just a covered arm, throw a towel on your forearm and she offers a foot every time). She's also a plucker -- not something your female does not seem to be doing. How big is your girl? She looks similar in color to mine, but my female is much bigger than my male - and I thought it was the other way around! She will come around in due time.

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babygirl wrote:

great karma post. more people should adopt untamed birds because otherwise they would have to be put to sleep. there clearly are not enough shelters or santuarys for them. B)


Really?? They euthanize parrots? I've never heard of such a thing.:unsure:


Kcfoxie- As far as the size I can't really tell you if she big or small CAG. It looks to be the same size as every other one I've seen.


Thanks to everyone's kind words. And the Karma thing as well.


Just a quick update. As of today I can hold my finger up near here beak and she now leans into it. It's the cutest thing ever. Most of you are probably like what's the big deal but to me I have seen such huge progress in such a short time. Also I can now touch the top of her head.:P


Sophie will be doing back flips before you know it!<br><br>Post edited by: pugman, at: 2009/08/12 22:06

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Sophie better not learn backflips before Harvey learns a handstand!!!


You are making such progress with her - by the end of next week you will be telling us that she's sitting on your knee, cuddled up in your jumper!


I'm looking forward to your posts of Sophie - she's lovely. :)

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it is true parrots are euthanized and soon the fear is is that it will become commonplace as with dogs and cats.


some sites for those interested-







some people have their pet parrots destroyed because they pluck or have other "bad" behaviors



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Pugman ... your work with Sophie is beautiful. What an encouragement it is to hear your story together, and also what a reward you'll have as your friendship with her grows. Greys are SO intelligent. I'm constantly amazed that they distinguish between each human they meet. When we are adopted by a Grey, we have a friend who actually discerns between those they know and those they haven't yet come to trust. It's a privilege when they decide that we are valuable to them.


Blessings as you continue this adventure:)

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