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new bird owner panic, please advise


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Benji has been sitting on my forearm for about an hour now. He's being very affectionate, staring at my face, turning his head. He just keeps doing this tiny little chirp--a happy little chirp.


But three times now, he has made this noise like he is inhaling through his mouth a little. He does it like three times and then a little sound comes from the back of his throat--a little squeak or chirp.


I know often the first sign of illness or distress in a bird is thru their breathing.


He seems otherwise fine. He's just very lovey, dovey and seems to be experimenting with some different sounds.


He had his pellets today and some apple this morning--no seeds. He grabbed a piece of tomato off the chopping board at dinner and I took it right away from him. That was like three hours ago and he's been fine.


Now it's been about ten minutes since he made that breathing noise. He is clearly getting sleeping but he's about 20 mins away from his normal bed time.


Do you think he's ok?

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I panicked on the tomato. I usually double and triple check the dangerous food list b/f I give him anything. Next time he can keep the tomato.:)


Someone came to the door so I put him in his cage, and he immediately starting beating up a toy. So I think that's a sign that he feels good and feisty. Thanks.

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It sounds like the noise Whisper made right before she regurged for me. She was being especially lovey lovey at the time too. We had another episode where she made the sound again, was really affectionate toward my fingers but I distracted her before any gurge took place.


It scared me when I heard it too but when she puked I knew what it was. Just like you I looked around to see if there was something she could have eaten.


I don't think you need to worry. If it was breathing problems it would continue.

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I agree with the others. Benji sounds fine to me. Greys can make quite disturbing noises sometimes. I developed a nasty hacking cough some time back (all gone now :-) ). Misty could imitate it exactly. He would "cough" and people would think he was in a really bad way until I explained:laugh:


I often give Misty cherry tomatoes which he loves. Unfortunately he insists on sitting on my knee while he eats it. I have to hold it for him otherwise he squashes it into my leg. In fact he now brings it to me to hold for him. They sure know how to take advantage!:P You are in for a real ride :laugh:





Steve n Misty

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