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what happens to the breeder grays?


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i have been told that breeder grays dont make good pets. but people have them otherwise where do all the baby grays come from. are they abused by their owners or what makes them bad pets?


i have decided on adopting a pare of grays and i might adopt an old breeding pare. i think they deserve to be treated with kindness and love too. please help with good advice.

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Breeder greys must have the right conditions to be breeders which means they are not usually in the house, they are usually housed separately so they have privacy. They are not handled much like pet greys and usually when a bird is used for a breeder bird they do not make the transition to a pet grey very well. We do have some members here who have both, breeder and pet greys but only the pet ones are kept in the house with everyone else.


If you decide to adopt a former pair of breeders be prepared for them to not ever be tame enough for you to handle, yes you can give them a home, food and love but I doubt you will be able to hold them or have them sit on your hand. They would be too stressed out for that.


Dave is the one here who can give you some advice on adopting some breeder greys and I can imagine he would try to talk you out of it.

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A breeder pair is so bonded with each other that you are not welcome. A male will go to great lengths to protect his mate.


Just like everything there are good breeders and bad breeders. The good breeders take care of their birds even though they are not pets. They have a mate and do not want to be your pet.


The breeder that I recently got my baby Amazon from is in the process of building a paradise for his breeder birds. A jungle like setting with a waterfall, water mists that go off throughout the day, lighting that comes on slowly simulating sunrise and sunset, side doors that open up during the day weather permitting to allow fresh air and sunshine.


When it is finished he is going to have me take photos for his website. I will be sure to post some. I am one of the few people that have been in his aviary. His breeder pairs are absolutely gorgeous birds. he has a pair of Yellow Napes that are the most beautiful I have ever seen. The same for my babies parents. Absolutely gorgeous. Obviously well taken care of. They also have regular vet care. He told me that recently the avian vet went through his entire aviary at an expense of $10,000. I can only imagine what the new aviary is costing him to build.


Something that was kind of funny..He has a pair of Green Wing Macaws. When we stepped inside the male stretched out his wings to cover the female and protect her. I thought that was kind of sweet.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/08/11 03:44

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what a great avairy that guy has made for his birds. how sweet the male bird protecting the female bird -something that is hard to find in the human race. birds must be kinder or something.



The stuff i have found online shows breeding parrots in small cages away from a family setting and they seem to be neglected. i think that is why they dont like people. i went to kijiji and have seen that alot of people want to sell their breeding pared parrots.


i have two small lap dogs that love sleeping under the covers with me so i am not in need of the cuddle factor from a parrot. it is not the reason for me wanting a parrot.


i just want to give one or two ;) a better life free from the demands of breeding. i know how hard being pregnant is because i have 2 kids of my own. i wud guess i female parrot loses a lot of vitamins and stuff when she lays her eggs so i wud like to be able to over a convelescent type setting for a pare of breeders where they can just enjoy being birds.


i have been bit lots of times by parrots (my friends have them and they all bite and they are not breeders) so i xpect that and not handling them much at all is fine by me.

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Char wrote:

He has a pair of Green Wing Macaws. When we stepped inside the male stretched out his wings to cover the female and protect her. I thought that was kind of sweet.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/08/11 03:44


What a beautiful mental image this paints. :-)


I am looking forward to seeing the photos of the aviary when it's finished. :-)


babygirl - It is wonderful you are thinking of providing a new home for a pair of breeders in need of a home that would be a loving and larger environment.

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