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Chiiki - Some updates


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All.. thought of posting on the rescue topic, but decided I wont as Chikki has been home for a week now..


Chikki got back to his old whistling self over the weekend.. difference since he flew are,


1. he seems to eat a lot more, as the vet told

2. he seems to try a lot more varieties in whistling and seems to be a bit more creative in the sound department, which is nice

3. he is not as active as he used to be, may be he is tired, may be is being a bit cautious

4. He doesnt fly as much.. not even his favourite play top perch jumps.. which makes me feel bad a bit.. but i dont force him to do things which he is not ready to yet..

5. Otherwise he is the same.. i have started harrisons food for him as well..


one more input i need from you guys.. looks like we will be going out for the long weekend in august end to south of England.. i prefer to take chikki with me.. and the hosts are happy to see him home.. but, he would be travelling in his travel cage and may not get too much time outside the cage as he would normally get..


I could leave him to the breeders but i want him to be there in the vacation.. i know the breeders used to take him to shows across the country when they went there overnight.. so he is used to travelling.. but please share your thoughts on what you think would be good for chikki..!!

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Ah - so happy to hear from you Arun and glad that Chikki has settled back in. Take him with you - it's better than leaving him in the house - he'll love it! Check out Tigerlily's posts after her camping trip! The photos are a testament that bidies love travelling with you.


Harvey spent two weeks with my folks and certainly wasn't out of the cage as much as he normally is - there were no detrimental effects and he's a happy little bee again! Good to hear from you. Jill x :)

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It's good to hear Chikki is doing well and getting back some of that weight. When Jake was gone 9 days, all he did was eat ravenously for over a week and he was weak.


The others said it well, Chikki would rather be with you in a travel cage, than left with the breeders. :-)

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guys.. serious apologies.. coudnt update you all.. have been held up with a release and working like mad the last few days.. i am just off work.. but decided i would surely post today irrespective of my work load..


if we go we will surely take chikki.. but now it looks like we may not go.. a couple of logistical issues and one of my friends is visiting us from scotland that weekend.. so, plans postponed..


btw chikki is doing well.. he is making all sorts of sounds these days.. whistles screeches some kind of clicking sounds and all that.. not sure if that is the prelude to talking.. atleast i hope so.. anyways, today i allowed chikki to be out of his cage in the conservatory when i was out for work.. he seemed to be ok.. may do it once or twice every week from now on.. just to see how he takes it..

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Thanks for letting us know that Chikki is doing great and about leaving him out of his cage in the conservatory when you are out, just make sure there is nothing he could get into to hurt himself.


Sorry you won't be taking your long weekend but now you know you can take Chikki when the chance comes again.

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