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Is this normal?


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My bird and I are going through his first molt. He is 14 monthes old and has never been a biter. Lately he has been biting me on regular basis and is seeming very nervous/paranoid. Is this normal for him to act this way during his molt or is there something I am not seeing here? He has never been anything but sweet to me and now he won't have anything to do with me unless I have food to offer. Please let me know if you have experienced this or have any ideas what might be going on. Thanks for your time and any advice you may have.

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Most of them do get a little nippy when they are going thru a molt, the pin feathers bother them some and are uncomfortable, he will return to his more normal self when the molt is over. You can help him to feel better by bathing him several times a week and using aloe vera juice to spray on him, it will help his skin because the molt is making him a little itchy.


I see this is your first post, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and Leo.

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Allot of birds get grouch during a molt its itchy and uncomfortable for them and those new pin feathers hurt when you touch them. I wouldn't worry as soon as she finishes molting she will be back to her old self again. Lots of baths will help soften those pin feathers to help them grow in faster.

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Thanks for the helpful tips. The only thing I'm going to have a problem with is the baths. Leo hates his baths, although we struggle through them it is quite stressfull for him. (and me) I have been trying to keep his mind occupied with new toys and distractions. It seems to be getting a little better as far as I can tell. thanks again and I will keep in touch with any changes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found the aloe juice and soaked him thoroughly. He hated it but seemed to be a little more comfortable after he dried. My wife hit her umbrella cockatoo with the aloe as well. But she can do anything to that bird and he just don't care, they're just tight like that.

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Thanks for the update. :-)


It's good to hear the Aloe helped. Most Greys do not like bath or spary bottles. I let mine bite the evil sprayer through the cage bars in between squirts. I think that lets him vent some of his anger at the whole bathing process. :P

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