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Rough ride


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Upon reaching home from dinner last night at 8pm, I received a call from a client who was coming to pick up a package at 9pm. After feeding Koko, we took Koko out as well because I felt bad leaving her in the cage again after she had been quarantined for 2 hours during our dinner time. We drove out to meet my client at a nearby mall.


On the way back, I drove overly-cautious because I was afraid Koko would jump over to my shoulder. Koko was with my wife and daughter sitting at the back. My stupid driving was so jerky that Koko could not take it any more. She threw up just before reaching home. She vomited the durian she had at 4pm. Yuck! The car was stinking with durian smell.


She was like in daze when we reached home. My wife gave her some water and I watched over her for 30 minutes before putting her in the cage to sleep.

My wife got up in the middle of the night to check and noticed that she slept on the floor instead of the perch. I think she was still seeing stars.


She has recovered in the morning. She is back to her usual self now. I have to retake a driving lesson but this time with a parrot on board.

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