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Disturbing the peace.


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A member of another forum posted this on another forum. She has a Meyers Parrot and an African grey who is 5 years old. Her grey makes all kinds of sounds but does NOT talk human. She was strongly considering adopting another grey until she spoke to one of her neighbours for the first time in 31/2. Keep in mind that she has her own house. The neighbour told her that she should be more vigilant with her parrots and that they are very noisy and disturb them alot. The neighbour also asked her how long do parrots live and was very disappointed when she told him 30 years or more.


What would you do in her place?

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Unless their house is right up against their neighbors house I don't' see how the birds could be making that much noise to disturb them but I would ask them if it is really that bad and maybe explain that birds generally do go thru several vocal times during the day and that she didn't realize that her birds were disturbing anyone.


If they have some pets like cats or dogs then I would bring up that they have disturbed you at times and see what their reaction to that is.


I don't have this problem as I live out in the country and no one lives close enough to hear my birds when they are vocal.


Finally I would tell the neighbor that they should be grateful you don't have a cockatoo or macaw, now that would be loud.

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I would ask when it is that the birds are bothersome and make sure I am home at least once or twice to see if they really are bothersome. Where are the birds? Are they on the side where this neighbor's house is located? If so, possibly move the birds to the other side. What does your friend do to see that her fids are well occupied during the day? My Eclectus can be loud and I have asked my neighbors (I live in town so we are very close) if my birds bother them and they always say no. Having a good relationship with neighbors is essential to a friendly neighborhood. I hope your friend can amicably work this out for everyone.

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I think if the Neighbours don't like it they should move. unless the bird are sreaming before 8am or after 10pm then they cannot do anything about it I live fairly close to my neighbour and she says she never hears my birds and the lady across the street say's that in the winter when the windows are all closed she misses hearing my birds chatting away. Mind you I didn't have Harley yet either He's pretty quiet unless he see some one or some animal out the window and then he lets out 1 very very loud scream but thats only mabie 1or2 times a day. If I was that woman I would say if you don't like it move because my birds are staying. I'm sure the wild birds make just as much noise as her bird only they are up at the crack of dawn and you don't hear them complaning about them.

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I have a feeling that her neighbours are exaggerating a bit. It doesn't make sense that her two parrots are that disturbing especially since she has her own house.


I do agree that when people like us they tend to be more tolerant of stuff they would normally feel bothered by.

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Well I have a U2 and Sterling vocalizes quite loudly in the morning and the early evening. It's normal, and it can be heard outside, but I've made sure that he gets his chance to vocalize when appropriate. He's never loud before 8 am or after 7 pm, his vocalizations are beautiful and loud and they signal the flock that it's time to eat or time to sleep in our house. He's also a great alarm clock for my son.


With the number of dogs barking from all around, the cats that climb on my car from inconsiderate cat owners and the birds outside that can't be silenced, the neighbors need to get a life and understand that nature is one of the most beautiful things we have to enjoy that's free and they are being serenaded by nature!





PS - no people skills here either.

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It would be very unlikely that your neighbors are hearing anything or something more than a muffled whistle. Unless you take them outside.


Maybe they are actually hearing mocking birds that sing all day and night or other birds in the area? Perhaps they just assume it's your Parrots?


You should by a Large Macaw, then see what the neighbors think. :P :-)

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Oh for goodness sake! I'm lucky, I live in a detached house so Harvey can make all of the noise he wants! Their neighbour must sit in silence, with no TV or radio on if they can hear the grey. I find Harvey's noises completely tolerable and would NEVER cover him up as he doesn't get on my nerves! Mind you, my cockatiel had regular coverings (those with tiels will agree how noisy and aggravating their squawks are!!!).


Now that they have annoyed me (if I was her) I would turn my speakers to the wall, turn the music up and go shopping! What a pain!


PS. I've been told I don't tolerate fools gladly (and that was by a previous boss) therefore they wouldn't stand a chance living next to me!!! ;)

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I am lucky because I get on very well with my neighbours. They are animal lovers like me and have never complained about my two birds. Charlie is not very noisy but I have said they must let me know if he is a nusance. I am careful not to put them in the aviary too early of a morning as I realise they could be too noisy

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Jaguar wrote:

We have to have Neighbours But we dont have to TALK to them. i think i am the same as hk955 "I have been told I lack people skills!" which is very true and why i like my pets more than people


Of course, I guess that is easy for me to say since the neighbor that lives behind me is looking forward to cooler weather when I leave the windows open so he can hear Hannah again in the mornings. He would swear up and down the "sneezes" her heard in the mornings was my girlfriend. Once I told him it was the bird, he thought it was hilarious hearing the bird and I talking, whistling, and yelling back and forth all over the house.


But, I also have three big dogs, and they are MUCH louder than the bird. They keep people away....which is why I have them!! :evil:

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Sounds like people who are looking for something to complain about. I'm sorry for them. They are probebly very unhappy people in general.

I had another thought. Maybe if you invited them over to meet your birds and talked about them they would decide they were ok.

Just kidding - I doubt that would work.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/08/11 06:56

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