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Hi my name is Sarah, I joined last night,I think this forum is great but a bit confusing atm!! Im sure I'll get used to it. I'm not even sure if I should post this here? Anyway I just thought I'd introduce myself!


I bought a CAG last Sunday (2nd August 2009), we've decided to call him Lenny, he's 13 weeks old and is such a cutie! :) I've never had an african grey before and I am keen to learn all about them!

I've also got a dog who's a Norfolk Terrier, shes called Bernie.

I'm taking it slow at the moment with him, earning his trust. Any advice is welcome :)


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Hello Sarah and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Lenny.


You posted this introduction in the right place, I know how you feel about first coming on this site as I was the same way, never thought I would learn how to use it but you learn quickly as you will learn about your grey.


Have you ever had any kind of birds or parrots before? You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks so much for including a couple of pictures of Lenny, he is a very sweet looking grey, he seems to be blushing a little in the first shot.

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Hey, I've never had a parrot before, when I was younger we did have a few birds but they were more my mums than mine!

I did put in a lot of research before I bought one though and I'm still keen to learn everything about them!

I had no idea they could blush though! aww

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yeah he is weaned, hes great, I just cant wait for him to trust me abit more, im trying each day, and im searching for tips on how I can get him to trust me more!

I tried making him some homemade toys today that I found on this forum, he went crazy for them all! haha and its sooo much cheaper! Think I will be making alot more of his toys from now on!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A Quick Update:

We've had Lenny just over 2 weeks now and the difference in our relationship is amazing! He loves to snuggle into my chest and he loves head scratches etc. He's learnt to wolf whistle and he's become really vocal!

He still seems to really like my uncle (who stayed away for a while, so Lenny could get to know me and my mum!)but its not so much of an issue now.

My dog Bernie is slowly starting to accept Lenny too, I was worried at the start that they would never get on, but now Bernie just seems to go asleep whenever hes out the cage. She still gets abit excited when Lenny flies around tho :)

So, I'll keep you all updated with his progress :)

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