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An Emma milestone!


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I am very glad to share some happy news! My little Emma can now fly, glide, hover and LAND properly as of this weekend. She turned 17 months old this week and was clipped TWICE before coming home to me last year. Even when she was clipped, she could still fly for long distances but ultimately she would also crashed into walls ALOT. :unsure: I am super pleased with her progress because I was getting concerned about her crash landings into things. I worried that the bad landings might get in the way of her confidence with flying and landing skillfully. I started to notice that she would only resort to flying when she became impatient and wanted to come to me or when something startled her.


While I write this I am also reminded that I will never bring her outside without her Adventure pack.. The risk of losing her would be too great if something startled her and she instinctively decided to flee .

{Love-0002011E}<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/09 23:19

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I'm so jealous. Tobie has one wing fully feathered now but the other wing is completely devoid of flight feathers. Well there is one lonely feather that I am sure is doomed. One wing on and one wing off is worse than two wings off or two wings clipped. He crashes brutally.

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