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Wheat Grass


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Since Harvey is such a pain when it comes to trying new food (everything I offer is looked at as tho it is poison)we try EVERYTHING going. My newest conquest is wheatgrass. I'm growing it in a little tub and it's now 2 inches tall.


Well, on offering it to Harvey he pulled a piece out, delicately turned it upside down......and starting eating the soil!


What on earth am I going to do with this bird! He'd eat sunflower seeds and corn until it comes out of his ears - he picks the veggies out and tosses them on the floor - I've tried - spinach, broccoli, potato, sweet potato, green beans (although he does like these raw), carrot etc - the list is endless!


So, I'm trying to find new things - and he's more intent on eating the growing matter. Yuck! :sick:

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Both of my birds do the same thing. There is more moisture and it is sweeter in the little white nubbin by the roots. They do also eat soil, they do it in the wild. The don't know it but she is correct, they get vitamin content from it. Im guessing with all of the birds owned on this forum, though, that they get better nutrients form other sources. As long as the soil is pestacide free, I don't imagine you will have any problems. I have a huge tub of the stuff growing in Schroeders outside cage and he LOVES it. He even likes to roll in it.

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Wow does this sound familiar!


My Beaker would rather shred the plastic pot growing the grass. Although he will occasionally play with a sprig of wheat grass, he really does prefer the noise of ripping into the pot.


Oh, and after the first pot of soil flipped everywhere, I now don't use any soil for the wheat grass - just sprout the seeds in the bottom of the pot. Keeps the mess down just a little. (key words here are "a little")

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Just to put your minds at rest - the stuff I bought was from a proper pet place, with organic soil and organic wheat germ - anyway £6 later and it was a waste of time! Harvey hated it!!


I've left it to grow and keep trying to give him it - he just picks it out and throws it on the floor!!


This morning I came downstairs and went through the normal routine of washing his bowls etc and giving him breakfast and I could smell this absolutely revolting smell - it was coming from the wheat grass soil - I've never smelt anything to vulgar in my life (and believe me I've seen and smelt some vulgar things!!).


I took it straight to the bin - well, I do have a confession - it was recycling day and because I didn't want it buried in the bin that was going to be there for a week I "tucked" it into a paper carton!!


I'll not be trying that again! :lol:

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