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Beau's New Bath (Updated)


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Beau hates being misted but finding a suitable bath for him hasn't been easy. The ones that are big enough for an AG don't fit on the door of his cage and are so light and shallow it would be too tempting for him to tip over. Anyway, I found this stainless steel "trough" style chinchilla bath that I thought would be just perfect. I have been reluctant to scare Beau with it as it is quite big and he has started to show fear of new toys and other stuff around the house so I placed it on the table next to his cage for a few days to prove to him that it doesn't bite lol! This morning I added it to his cage 1/4 full of water. I had to go out but when I got back my son said Beau had taken a bath because he was quite wet. So it seems the bath has been a success!


I will add a picure of the bath later today when I find my camera.<br><br>Post edited by: Joolesgreyuk, at: 2009/08/09 19:20

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Don't they always do things when your back's turned!! Harvey won't go near a bath - I tried even a plate with some water on, stood him in it (which he didn't mind) but that's the way he stayed - stood, not moving for a minute or so, and then side stepped out!


Good for Beau! The chinchilla owners will be sick of us parrot owners stealing their gear! ;)

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