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What Can I Teach Him Next?


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Harvey has the attention span of a pea! He can do all the early things (stepping up/down, kiss, bend over for a tickle etc).


I'd like to make things more interesting for him and teach him something new (don't get me wrong, I don't want him to be a performing seal - but I do want to work with him to achieve something new).


What do your fids do - and also how did you achieve it!

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Move your head up and down and say "dance harvey, Harvey dance" - preferable after checking you can't be seen by anyone else lol! Hopefully in time Harvey will dance for you by moving his head up and down - on command. I have seen parrots doing this and it's great to watch. If you do it to a certain piece of music, in time he may even do it when he hears that particular song.

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Ha Ha Ha! I've already made a fool of myself this week with Harvey whistling at that young lad, so I may as well go one step further!


Dan - If I could make Harvey turn off the tap Dayo and he would be a great double act - we could wipe the floor internationally on Britain's Got Talent/America's Got Talent!! Simon Cowell would love us!


As for the video - I promise that if I get Harvey to do this I will video it - but will say that the camera will be fixed on him!!! :woohoo:

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Teach him to wave and shake hands and high five. Charlie does those and he was easy to teach.As for the dancing Charlie bobbs his head when I say Dance, come on dance, he does not do it very well though. I think teaching a few little tricks keeps the mind active and relieves boredom.It also helps the bond between parrot and owner.

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Oh my god! After 12 hours at work I didn't feel energetic enough to starting dancing round the living room - so I tried the "hand shaking". Harvey took to it like a duck to water! He honestly took about 2 minutes! As soon as I say "Shake hands" he reaches forward and ducks his head down, grips my finger whilst I shake it and say "pleased to meet you". I thought it was just a fluke, but he's repeatedly doing it!!!!


I will leave the dancing until another day - but that's next (well, after I've taught him to do the ironing and load the washing machine!!!). :laugh: :laugh:

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He does come to me when I call him (but then again, I don't often have to ask, because I am soooo irresistible)!


Britain's Got Talent here we come (hopefully I'll be slightly more successful than the woman who had her grey on stage singing "Take on me" by Aha)!!!

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I just taught ZZero to catch and throw. Not sure how it started but I noticed he was grabbing things more with his talons then with his beak lately. So I started with a wadded up piece of paper and would tell him to catch. he reaches with his talon catches it then I cup my hands and he throws it in. I think this was more behavior then training but it was so fun. I didnt have any treats just bridged with a "good Boy" . I thought it was cool we have played for days now and he loves and now I am tossing the paper just a little and he catches it. I wish I could explain how I taught I am just not sure.


Turn around is EASY, I just reach on his right side till he turns his butt to me then change the treat to his left and around he comes. this was his first trick and he learned in minutes now I just have to say turn around and he will will do 3 circles to get his treats.



this is a great place to start and get great ideas on training.

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I came in today from work, got Harvey out of his cage and he flew to his playstand. I thought he may have "forgotten" the shake hands routine from last night (he wouldn't do it this morning). Straight away he lifted his little foot to shake. I have a prodigy in the midst (NOT)!!


cflanny - Harvey has started throwing his ball with his talons too - I'm going to try playing "catch" with him.


Thanks to all for your ideas - they're fab - keep them coming, as by September I want the most talented 9 month old CAG in the world!!!! (this SO is not going to happen!!) - he'll be more like Harry from the clip! :woohoo:

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