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regurgitate and head shaking


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hiiii, i have a quick question...( as always )...

i was playing with Star outside his cage and sudenly he started to shake this head from side to side...and then regurgiated twice, it's the first time he did this.... i know its a sign of love as i read on the forum but should i be worried he will not choke or something


P.s Does this mean Star has accepted me as a member of his flock , ( i am the only one who interacts with him )



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so after your grey regurgitates what happens? i mean with the food? the only reason i ask is because willis did it once (it was a piece of almond-his fav) and it landed on the couch. i didn't realize what happened right away so i was trying to make sure he was ok and he ended up eating it again lol. is that normal? or do they wait for you to do something with it?

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thanks grey lovers, it was cute , he did it twice then he kidda paused and countinued to play with his toys.... it was cute, now that i know its love but before it worried me )


Are they suposed to do anything different?

i mean Star did not eat what he reguritated

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Cleo started regurgitating around 6 months old as well. She still does it every time we have a rough play session. She will stop mid-play, have an up chuck, swallow it back down whilst smacking her beak (as though it is very tasty!), and carry on playing.

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Harley, Tyco, Fergie, and Raja have all reguratated for me. all except Harley swallows it back down. Sometime Harley will swallow it also but sometime its in my hand or it drops to the floor. He is such a sweet bird he just want to play and love all the time. he will lay in my arms like a little baby for ever and long as I keep rubbing his beak and scritching his big soft fluffy head what a snuggle bunny macaw I have I never realize how sweet and how smart these guys are.

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