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Sore throat sound


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My baby started replacing his low squeaky call sounds with ones like a person who has lost his voice or has a sore throat... and i am worried to death..... is this normal for a 6 month baby grey... i havent noticed any change in his eating or playing behaviour.


should i be freaking our right now?:(

i dont want anything bad to happen to my baby....


i really need advice plz



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Your baby could be just rehursing sounds ready for speach. They often make gravelly rumbelling sounds when they are learning to talk. If you notice anything else amis,if he is very quiet,not eating or drinking or not playing have a vet check things out.

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thanks She, i really hope so, i though that might be the case, but Star, makes an effort when he does these sounds, as if he is trying to push everything he has to make these sounds, as i said like a person who has a sore throat would sound.... did you baby do the same?

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Harvey's 8 months old and he makes this low, grumbling, rumbling noise when he thinks nobody is listening! We think he's just lowering his voice ready to be the world renowned, best talker ever, that I intend him to be! : :laugh:


Harvey really tries to push this grumbly sound too - just to make himself heard!


Your baby still will make his screaming, squeaky noises too - just when he feels like it.

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greystar, These noises are perfectly normal for a grey of yours' age. I went through the same concerns as you about a month or so ago (Beau is 7 months now) but your grey is in fact practicing his "human" voice. I posted on here with my concerns also. You now have much to look forward to, those first words are very special.

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luvparrots, i cant wait for that day, i would maybe shead some tears coz my baby said his first words and that would be the happiest day in my life... even if its not now .


But do greys talk at such an early age? Star doesnt even whistle but when i talk to him he kidda replies back with those low squeaky calls, i tell my mother as he is replying or answering back... and it's soooooooooooo cute

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