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Hi Guys. My name is William currently living in Ireland, South African by nationality.

I love birds, snakes, frogs, beetles and big cats. Machines are my passion. Anything with an engine, classic cars and aeroplanes really get me going. Three things give me great joy. My Daughter, having spanners in my hand and smelling hot metal and being in the middle of nowhere on my own.(Yes I know,contradiction in terms but so be it LOL)

I've never been a sports fan, unless one counts frisbee, shooting guns and skydiving as a sport.

My favourite "pets" are birds. I love the way they feel,the distinct smell of parrots, and the fact that they can fly. Incredible creatures they are.

So far we have only Modus an African Grey Congo. I've had Macaws,Amazons,Greys and a Cockatoo previously.When we return home we'll be able to have more birds once again. I've often felt that I would like to work with birds full time but maybe next time 'round I'll choose that to be so.

I see that I can learn a lot from you guys so it's great to have found you. Thanks.

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Hello William and welcome to our family, we are so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Modus.


My favorite pets are birds now too, I used to be more of a cat person and I have always had cats in my life ever since I can remember, I still have one but birds are more important to me now at this stage in my life.


You will learn a lot from reading thru the many threads on various subjects, they are loaded with useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Modus you would share with us we would appreciate it.

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