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Should I be concerned?


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When I first got Harley he would eat everything and anything he could get his beak on. I guess because is old owner would only feed him bulk parrot mix twice a day 1/4 cup each time and then when he finished she would take his food away so he wouldn't dump the dish and so when he came here he couldn't believe all the food he was getting and nobody takes it away from him he always has pellets and fiesta seed mix and human grade walnuts brazil nuts and almonds. My problem is now that he has been with me for awhile he doesn't touch his seeds and nuts he Loves his fruits vegetables and leafy green he likes to mix them in with his pellet he chews them into small pieces and then munches the pellets with the veggies. I know that Macaws need extra fat in their diet and that's why they need to eat nuts but Harley's not eating his nuts or his seed mix. Is this bad for him is there enough fat contents in his fruits and veggie and pellets to keep him healthy?

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Have you tried giving him the nuts first? I know that if I put almonds in the food dish along with the sweet potatoes that I want whisper to eat she will eat the almonds and may or may not eat the sweet potatoes and fruit. So I started waiting and holding the nuts til the end. Maybe you could do just the opposite with Harley.

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He is still getting aquainted with his new home and diet so may eat more nuts once the novelty of his veggies ,fruit and pellets wares off a bit.If he is eating the pellets I think he will be fine.Maybe you could offer bits of cheese to up the fat content and scrambled egg.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/08/09 08:17

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I gave his some scrambled eggs the other day he doesn't seem to like soft mushy things. I also made some mashed yams my other birds just love them he didn't hardly touch more than a bite. He does like Cheese though he gobble that up no problem. That what I bribe him with to get him into his cage I put a tiny piece of cheese in his dish and he just can't resist a then when he goes into get it I close the door. If i don't do it that way it take me a good 1/2 hour to get him into his cage he makes a game out of it and I can't help but laugh. he climbs down the side of his cage like he going to go in and then he will put his head under my chin and rub his face all over my face and chest then look up at me with a big smile on his face I can't get mad at him he's just to darn cute. He's so gentle with that beak of his he nibbles on my chin and whispers have you ever heard a bird whisper its the cutest thing he doesn't say any thing he just whispers. Sometimes I will let him play but when I have to go to work I don't have time so cheese works really well to get him into his cage quickly.:laugh:

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