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Regarding the Beak


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Tomorrow is AnnaBella's 6 month check up at the vet. Her upper mandible is quite sharp and I was wondering if it's safe, humane, acceptable, OK, etc..etc.. to round it off a little. I wouldn't want to do it if it caused her any problems other than being unable to draw blood on me. ;) Her lower mandible is pretty jaggged...like a steak knife. I'd like to get that taken care of also. But, again...if it's inhumane to do it, I won't. Can I get some opinions please? Thanks!!



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The vet went well. All is good health wise. She looked at her beak and immediately said it needed "some work"...now that I see it after, I realize it was a bit too long also. The bottom wasn't jagged anymore so we left that. This time was really hard on AnnaBella. She usually gives in to getting toweled but this time she really fought it. She fought everything...I guess that's kinda normal?? The vet said she has a "strong personality"...LOL Is that what you call it? ;) She's been quiet the rest of the day...maybe sore from fighting the towel? I know she needs to get used to her new beak and nails...I'm sure she'll be back to normal in no time. Normally, after the vet, she's back to her normal self by the time we get home. Maybe the beak work freaked her out...it was the first time she had it. Oh well, I'm glad she's healthy...

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Poor AnnaBella. I don't blame her for putting up a good fight. Being toweled sure isn't too fun and it messes up her nice feathers too. Glad to hear that her beak was looked after. She sure is one lovely looking grey. Does she go to the vet regularly every 6 months for her beakie?<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/09 16:52

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Ah poor Annabelle she didn't want to go to the vet now she's sulking LOL She will be right as rain in no time back to giving you all kinds of trouble. I had one of my rescues a long time ago that hated me I tryed everything with that bird and I had his beak rounded because he would draw blood everyday my arms are so scared because of him. I finally had to accept defeat and rehome him he was wonderful with her he just hated me. oh well. any way I'm so glad that Annabelle is healthy and thats the main thing.

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Aww Tycos_mom...at least you loved him enough to try...and let him go.


Thanks for all the comments...


lovethatgrey, we take her to the vet every 6 months for a check up. I'm very nervous she'll be sick and we won't know it...she was sick at the first vet visit and has tested fine since...I just worry a lot. The vet actually suggests every 6 months for exotic animals...but she said most people do once a year or when needed. I know it would be easier on AnnaBella if we'd just do it once a year or whatever...I'm just too worried. I can't imagine having a kid. A lot of my immediate family died in a short amount of time and I think that has caused me to worry about the ones I love. Grr...I won't even start.


Have a good day!!

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