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made Rudy a vet appointment

Codys Mom

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I know after Rudy's feeding she needs a little cuddling and security but lately she crys for more food for a good 20 minutes tonight I cuddled her for a good 45minutes in her little blanky and she fell asleep on me,this just worries me that she still crys for food for so long after her crop is completely filled up she has been eating 80 to 90cc's of Kaytee Exact Formula, maybe she is eating to much?I thought of that to but if I give her only 60cc's then she really gets loud and her crop is not full so I made her a vet appoinment for tomorrow morning I want to take her in and see what he says about this not takeing any chances incase something could be wrong with her medically, will let u all know what he says, boy she has me worried


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