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so me and my flock (Murphy TAG, Agustin tiel, Krackle the keet)

will be moving in october and im looking for any and all tips on keeping this as low stress as possible. as soon as they get used to it im sure theyll love it they will have more room in my very large front room and be in a dog/cat free enviroment. so as i said just looking for tips on how to make this as easy and low stress as possible.

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They are gonna know something is up when they start seeing boxes and you packing things up in them so just tell them what is going on, they will understand some of it especially Murphy.


You won't be moving their cages until you are actually moving in but put them in their travel cages while you move their cages and then take them to their new home and let them look around. Take them all over the new home and let them see where they will be living. Set their cages up and place their toys pretty much the same as when they left their former home and they should settle in very quickly.


Since you are only moving a few miles it won't be a long road trip so not much chance of them getting stressed out about it. When they get to their new home give them some treats, that should help soothe them but I don't see too much of a problem.


Others may have some more ideas or suggestions for the move but it should be no big deal.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My hubby and I recently moved and this is what we did to prepare Loki.


About a month before the move, we started packing, a few boxes at a time, since they were being stored in the living room where Loki was housed.


Two weeks before, I prepped her travel cage and took her out on short car rides around the area, all at different times, that way she'd never know exactly when we went on a 'road trip'.


A week before the move, we moved her cage to a different position or area of our old condo. We did this daily.


Day of the move, she was the last one out of the old place and she was the first thing set up in the new place. Even before the truck was unpacked.


Within 36 hours of the move, she was back playing and acting like her old self.


The only time Loki showed stress was when she was couped up in the cage after about 5 hours. During the lay over, my hubby and I rotated the time spent in the car giving Loki some time out of the traveler cage.

Overall, she adjusted faster to the move than we did! I'm so proud of her!

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