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Tobie's new videos


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Jan Tobie just keeps on amazing us all.


These two videos are probably the most entertaining videos I have seen yet of a Grey on the net. His timely vocabulary, body moves and singing ability just seems to become more amazing each week.


I love watching all his videos. It's better than TV!!! :-)


Karma to you and give Tobie a treat for being such a "Good Boy".

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Awwww, what a sweet Grey. Isn't it amazing how they can interact with us. I love his "red butt." LOL He's a character.


Is that a roll of toilet paper hanging on his cage door?? What a great idea. If it is, I'm going to try it for Dayo.

Let me know, and give Toby hugggggs from DayosMom<br><br>Post edited by: DayosMom, at: 2009/08/09 15:54

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It is a roll of plain adding machine paper. It has been the best toy I ever bought. You can get various gadgets to hang it from. Tobie used to shred up a roll in about two weeks. Now he keeps a roll for a long time. I learned to stuff paper between the post and the inside of the roll to keep him from unrolling the whole roll in a day. He has had that toy for two years and still goes through period when he spends a day shredding paper.

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