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Lost Baby CAG St. Pete, FL area


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Hello everyone

I just brought my baby CAG home about a week ago and he is lost already. :-( His wings were clipped at the breeder's before I brought him home but somehow he still flew away today. If you know anyone in the St. Petersburg, FL area, please have them keep a lookout for him. His name is Kasuku and he was lost in North Redington Beach, FL I have already notified all the Vets and animal control people I could find numbers for and have put lost ads out for him. If anyone finds him they can contact me at 727-421-6380

Thanks everyone!

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thanks. I am devistated. I saw him land in a tree and haven't seen him leave so I've been camped out under this tree since 9 this morning. My neighbors have all been walking around the area with binoculars looking for him, and his breeder is on her way here to try to frind him too. I am not sure where palm beach county is, but st. pete is near tampa, west side of florida about 1/2 way down.

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oh no this is so awful please go and look for him after supper and early in the morning is best. he can't be far look under shrubs and places like that. he's probubly very scared and hideing. put his cage outside he may see it and come there to look for food.

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Went back after dinner and still nothing. I have ads out all over the place and word with all the vets, petstores, and rescues/pounds. I've been sending shout outs across the web and my breeder is sending them on her message boards as well. My neighbors even went door to door so almost the entire apartment complex is on the lookout. Everyone has been amazing in helping me, bringing me cold drinks while I'm out in the heat looking for him and organizing their own searches for me. I am amazed at the good in people! I am printing out flyers tomorrow and will pin them up after work. I hope something comes soon. In the mean time I will keep searching at dawn and dusk when he is most likely to be out and vocalizing. I just hope my baby comes home! People keep saying "All that money wasted." But they don't understand, I would pay that money again in a heartbeat if it meant bringing him back home!

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I got a call today from the motel next door to my apartment which is where the tree was that I saw Kasuku land in. He was still in the tree! He had climbed down low enough that she culd see him, just about 1 story up. I left work earloy and when I got there I went up 1 level and he flew right to me! Oh God I am so happy to have him home!!! He is so thirsty and hungry and tired but he won't leave me! lol I keep having to give him food and water from my lap!

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Omg I so happy that you have him safe and sound I would take him to the vet he's so young to have been without water and food for so long. I'm so glad that you have him home if you seen him land in that tree why would you not get a ladder and go up there to see if he was hiding up there some where. I guess it doesn't matter now the main thing is that he is home safe and sound thank goodness. Keep widows and doors shut until you get screens for them. God is good he answers prayers.

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The tree was ver 3 stries tall so a ladder wouldnt have helped. When I saw him land it was at the very top of the tree. We even got up on the roof of the building to try to look for him but the leaves were so thick we couldn't see anything and Kasuku wasn't answering our calls.

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