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My parrot bites always but now worser then ever


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Hi guys,

Abula has been biting 2 months after i got him but i just take it in but now he has been biting harder then ever casuing lots of blood and he is refusing to step up everytime i go up to him he wont come out of his cage etheir unless he sees my dad and recently he his beak has been dropping black meterials isit ok?


anyone experinced this problem? and whats the cure please?


ps: i can post live vids ffrom my webcam if needed






Thanks Alot

Wadi<br><br>Post edited by: abula, at: 2009/08/07 22:56


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Wadi, it sounds like your grey has chosen your father as his favorite. There are a lot of posts about biting. Why don't you type "biting" in the search forum box at the top of the page and read about biting. That might help you with your problem or at least help you understand it. Some times our greys just want to be left alone it all depends on the circumstances. There are times when my sweet Ana Grey doesn't want to be bothered with me. I just leave her alone and come back later. Our greys like alone time sometimes just like we do.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/08/08 03:52

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Luvparrots has hit the nail on the head. Your bird is trying to tell you something so it's best to step back and listen.Your approach could be a little off. Ask yourself what your Dad does or does not do that is different to the way you handle your bird. Observe the difference if any and modify your own behaviour. Please note this is said with respect, I am not insinuating that you are doing anything wrong. But these birds are individuals.

Two things come to mind here. Firstly you know your bird bites. So is this expectation you have affecting how you approach you bird? Lets face oit these guys can bite! LOL. So could it not be that because you expect to get mauled it can smell your fear. If you don't approach it with confidence beleive me it will pick up on this.When an animal, including human animals, sense fear they immediately go into self protection mode. It's a normal instinct. So a bite is its reaction to what you feel. If you are putting your hand towards it, then pull back, then try again, then pull back, you give the bird mixed signals.It does not know what you want from it and is confused.

I know this sounds really silly but works for me in this situation. Spend some time with the bird without trying to force contact. Be patient. pull your head down into your shoulders,puff your cheeks up. This is a sign in their language that you are comfortable and not a threat. Talk in a low voice and be calm. Put your hand nearby but just leave it there without forcing contact. Do this a few times and the bird will realise you are not a threat. But most importantly approach the bird gently at first till it gets to know you.A lot of times when I approach an unknown bird I calmly offer my hand after "talking" to it but never pull it back even when it bites. Most times this works for me. Puncture marks heal and can't kill so one has nothing to lose.

These guys are gregarious creatures and love contact, but on their terms.

The key here is patience. It's your bird and you want to be able to have contact with it, that is understandable. But if you are getting a bit frustrated with the biting that does not help. Even though this is also understandable. Create the scenario it needs to feel at ease with you and it will happen. But remember it is on the birds terms so don't rush things. Hope this helps, good luck to both of you.

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Abula I had just taken a peek at your profile and saw the pictures of your grey. Can I ask what are the dimensions of your grey's cage? It seems to be rather small...not sure if it could be playing a role in his aggression/biting issues or not.


I agree with a former post to this thread: It seems that your grey has chosen you dad as his favorite. Unfortunately there really isn't anything that you can do to "change his mind," and I don't think that his choice of your dad is because you did something wrong. You really just have to be patient and continue POSITIVE reinforcement...rewarding good behavior and ignoring the bad (no punishments beyond an in-cage time out for a few minutes). Wildiesel's post on 8/8/09 gave some really greYt advice. No matter what progress you may/may not see, you must remain consistent and patient.

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