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Meals or Available Food?


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I'm curious about what others are doing;


Do you feed your fids meals, allowing them to eat for a finite period of time and then removing the food until the next meal?




Do you have food available for them in their cup at all times?

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Well, I suppose we all do different things but I do both.

The birds have a constant supply of pellets in their cages as well as a small amount of seed and I also feed them a meal twice a day, which includes their fresh fruits and veggies.

This works for mine and they seem to be happy with this routine.

All mine are good eaters and not very picky, Im quite lucky when it comes to feeding them.

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i'm with casper. willis always has pellets (which are a mix of zupreem fruityblend and the zupreem spicy one with a few seeds mixed in) in one bowl, with fresh veggies in another bowl (that gets taken out before they get gross of course) and the 4th bowl is his 'meal' bowl. he doesn't get to come out when the family is eating :( cuz he doesn't like my kids very much and i know he'd try going after their food just because he knows they'll go running, so instead he gets a meal in his cage. he gets cereal, bird bread, pancakes, or oatmeal, etc., in his bowl in the morning, a little of what we have for lunch and dinner. today for lunch we had mac-n-cheese so i just took a few noodles out before i added the cheese and gave him that...


i don't give willis much fruit because he doesn't really like it...he just throws it all over the place and makes a big mess. he eats banana's and apples that's about it. oh and cherries too (just discovered that!) i wouldn't mind cleaning up the mess if he was eating any of it...!


and i do take the 'meal' bowl out after he's done eating. he's always waiting when i give him that bowl lol he knows good stuff is coming!<br><br>Post edited by: GorgASS, at: 2009/08/07 22:15

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My fids have pellets in a bowl at all times. I also have a bowl for seeds and dried fruit which I fill as needed, every three days or so. I give nuts as treats throughout the day. In the morning I give my fids raw fresh vegetables or frozen/mirco vegetables. I refresh the vegetables with fresh fruit and some of my dinner if appropriate at evening time. I always make sure there is fresh water available 24/7. There are foraging devices throughout the house for them to snack on as they like.

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I give mine meals of a sort, they get breakfast which they can eat on during the day and of course pellets are available at all times. They eat the evening meal when we do for they eat some of what we are having as long as it is suitable for them. I feed them on a separate stand from the table where I eat, I tired real quickly of birds walking thru my food as you don't know where they have been.

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All 3 of mine get Roudybush pellets 24/7 for breakfast they like oatmeal with cinnamin and apples in it or wheat baby cereal or rice baby cereal with a little apple or banana and cinnamin

Dinner is always at 6:30pm and they will let u know it's dinner time lol they have all kinds of veggies and fruit or beans and rice with peppers and carrots , I try to change around the veggies so they don't eat the same veggies all the time lately they all seem to love thoose hot hot peppers the best , and they get a little seed mix and some golden feast and maybe 3 times a week a nutriberry:) :)



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o they only eat breakfast in their cage, Dinner they eat on the kitchen table they all have their own little food bowls and beleive me they know which bowl is theirs except for Rudy or littlest one she eats all her meals on her playtop on her cage , we have to work on cahngeing that one when she gets a little older


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Sounds like a common theme. I also do both; I have Roudybush maintenance in the bowl at all times, along with the usual morning fare of fruit and oats and the evening meal with us.


Along the same question, do any of you limit what is available on any given day (IE, 1/3 cup of pellets), and when that's done it's all they get for the day?


I appreciate the feedback (as does Beaker).

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willis gets pellets 3 times a day. i've found he eats more if i only put a little at a time in there and re-fill it as needed. i'm not sure why that works better for him but if i put a full 1/2 cup in the morning it will sit almost untouched all day. he's on the smaller side for a grey (like 400g) so i worry if he's eating enough

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I always have pellets available in Congo's cage (Harrison's). That's what she eats all day long until I get back from work. The first thing I do when I get back is offer her micro-veggies and im constantly switching them up that way I can feed her a seven bean mix at least three times a week. As for fruit I offer them sporadically because she really does not eat them so well. The only thing she likes is papaya so that is the bulk fruit I give her along with melons, strawberries, and a few grapes. I usually give her fruits on the weekends early in the day. Then every evening I give her a good amount of seeds daily. I figure this way my grey is getting 100% nutrition and a diversified source of different foods.

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Dixie gets 1/8 cup of pellets and 1/8 cup of dried fruit mix in the morning in one cup. In her other cup she gets 1/2 banana and 4 grapes with either melba toast or half a mini bagel with red palm oil 3 times a week and the other days she gets a small handful of cheerios. She also likes kiwi, strawberries, mango, oranges and apples so I change up the fruits.


Dinner dixie gets another 1/8 cup of pellets and 1/8 cup of dehyrdrated veggies in one cup and in her other cup something we've had for dinner if appropriate or a mixture of long grain brown rice and veggies with pepper flakes or the bean mixture I cook for her.


I keep a cup of her pellets (Harrison's) full for her all day. Fresh water twice a day.


I have been watching her today and she's a complete little pig! It's the first time I think I've ever really watched how much she eats. Then again, she is a very very busy little grey, constantly moving and climbing and tearing things up. She has not gotten into the foraging yet, although I've tried to hide her favorite things in pieces of paper.




Robin<br><br>Post edited by: rbpittman, at: 2009/08/16 23:25

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For breakfast my birds have either multi grain french toast or an omelet with peppers broccoli and cheese wth multi grain toast or scrambled eggs with toast. If its egg day. if its not then they get birdy muffin (full of fruity pellets and oatmeal and blueberry's) or granola, shreddie's,or cherrios. and multi grain toast. After breakfast I fill their dishes with 1/3cup of feista or pretty bird seed mix the also get dried fruit banana chips mango, Pappya,at lunch they get fresh veggie somethin dark and leafy carrot broccoli,snap peas, green beans,corn onthe cob, and some fresh fruit grapes apple, cherrys,strawberrys, mellon,blue berrys,black berrys what ever is in season for dinner they get whatever I'm eating and if i'm not cooking or its a work night they get their 18bean & 6differennt kinds of rice mash which also has barley and other grains vegatables and pellets.they also get human grade walnuts.almonds,brazil nuts,pecans, pinenuts, and hazel nuts. and they always have pellets available at all times.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/17 01:14

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