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Go ahead Jill and have that drink, heck have two for its Friday finally.


I'm going to have mine tonight even though I am babysitting my grandson this weekend, he goes to bed before I do, I need this drink as I have been all by myself this week, hubby is out on a hunting trip and my daughter is in Florida.


Let the fin begin!!




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Yipeee! I deserve a drink! I have my 21 month old niece coming for the day tomorrow (unfortunately without her parents!!!). So, I'll have to dose myself up tonight for the day ahead tomorrow!




I took the day off work and have had such a fun day! I have (in order) - cleaned the kitchen, dusted, hoovered, cleaned the bathrooms, etc etc - and to round it off - I dusted each and every one of the fittings on my bedroom light:




Therefore - I think a little tipple is bloody well deserved! I am knackered!! :laugh:

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luvparrots wrote:

Jill is that light fixture in your bedroom!!!!!! Now I'm beginning to understand you a little more. Does it also spin?????? :blink: :woohoo: :laugh: ;)


I haven't found the spin button yet! I'll let you know when I find it!! I had to dust it with the light on to obviously see the dust and I think I've blinded myself - every time I blink I see lights!!! :woohoo:

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Having missed the last several F.A.R.T. meetings due to football games and band committments, and knowing I'll miss this coming one as well I'm making up for them all tonight. Especially since it's also T.o.O.T. So for the record, I'm T.o.O.T.ing and F.A.R.T.ing at the same time. I promise to do so in sufficient amounts to make up for all of the meetings I have missed.

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It'll be nice for you to join us for once Lyn - you need to find yourself a job that's not so Friday night based!!!


Well, it's 06.56 am, Friday, here in the UK - and I'm already thinking about alcohol! :woohoo: See you all for a good F.A.R.T later - your leader for Fridays, Jill xx :woohoo:

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Here I was sitting all pleased with myself, Bailey's at the ready, for T.o.O.T. Then, I read Jill's email, started counting on my fingers for the time zone and heeeeyyy, I forgot to join you again this Thursday. My daughter surprised us with a mid week visit from college since she is feeling crummy and just needed a home cooked meal and TLC.

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