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All is well in F.A.R.T. land. Since none of us want Jill to have her wine all alone, I'll start my day with some kahlua in my coffee and see where I can go from here. Besides, I got up at four to go to the Black Friday sale and help my husband out by letting him pay that special husband tax so everyone is jolly at my house. This was my first ever foray into the shopping frenzy of Black Friday. Alas, I was only going to Sears for household appliances so that really doesn't count.

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Been there and done that Dee, no way was I getting into that shopping frenzy today, I will be shopping online besides I have my two grandgirls today and believe me as soon as they leave this evening to go to their other grand parents house the liquor will be opened and consumed, gosh am I going to need it!:blink: :woohoo:

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Its not called boxing day but we have those sales the day after Christmas here too and the crowds are almost as bad as black Friday with people wanting what they didn't get for Christmas and others returning things they didn't like, I will more than likely stay out of that too.

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What a great poster! I think I shall print it out and put it on my wall as a reminder of what Christmas is all about - ONLY JOKING!! ;)


Thank goodness it is Friday! I've been really good and not had a drink all week!! Gosh, I sound like a proper alcholic don't I !! Oh well, who cares! TONIGHT I WILL BE HAVING A NICE BOTTLE OF WINE!!! :laugh:

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Only 1 bottle Jill,you are reformed.I have the biggest case of bah humbug ever at the moment and just cant get in to the christmas spirit.Maybe a glass of wine or two will help tonight,hoping to get off work a bit early if all goes to plan.

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Would you believe after going out at 4am, the wrong dryer was delivered? I was just lucky enough to stop in the laundry room before they pushed it against the wall and didn't see the water line for the steam feature. Sears made it right, but my house was torn up all week. It is actually called Black Friday because it is generally the day when merchants accounting sheets go from the red of loss to the black ink of profit. Alternatively, it could be the temperment of the shoppers mindset. LOL.

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