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Won't do step ups... allowed to pick up from cage


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Hi everyone, i am back ...with some questions and i really need your advice. Star,who is six months old and has been with me for nearly a week, doesnt want me to pick him up from his cage... and goes crazy when i try to put him back...


I only took him four times if i remember correctly, but i dont think we made any progess...:S and that has got me down...


i have tried to teach him the step up , but i think he doesn't understand.... he doesn't move his feet.. i have to go and place my fingers under his feet while he is in his cage... but he either nibbles my fingers or moves aside..... I know i am doing something wrong... i have read the posts on stand up... but nothing seems to work..


do i teach Star, the step up while he is in his cage? or outside? Do i use my fingers while he is in the cage or use a stick ? Would clicker trainning be useful?


Can you please tell me how you taught ur grey the step up and how long do you need to practice with yoy baby? how do i know that Star has had enough and wants to call it a day?



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You really need to work on stepping up outside of his cage as some greys do not like anyone invading their "space" some view it as their sanctuary where they feel safe. Let him come out of his cage and then work on stepping up, I taught mine to step up by putting my hand close to her chest and pushing slightly as if to move her just a tiny bit to throw her a little off balance and she stepped up, of course she was easy to train. When you do it say the word or words you want to use for that command and he will learn when you say that it means step up.


When working with your grey make the training session fairly short, they get bored easily and maybe just spend a few minutes and then later do it again.


Others will have some more suggestions for you also.

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thanks judygram, i tried to push him on the chest, he either bites or shifts away. Do u push your finger towards the back, coz thats's what i do...


If i want him to come out of his cage do i leave the door open and try to place some of his favourite treats infont of the cage?

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I did the same as Judygram - pushed Harvey until he was slightly off balance - they have nowhere to go other than your hand then and realise they do need you!


You need to push him just above his feet at the front of his chest.


Harvey's favourite treat when he did what I wanted at this time used to be cheerios! A cheerio was a bribe worth more than anything in the world!


I never let Harvey choose to come out of his cage - I remove him each time - I'm the boss around here and he knows it! It's a total learning curve and I find the parrot harder than I found the kids! Keep persevering - there's stuff Harvey isn't happy with (like lifting his wings) but I'm not giving in. ;)

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A week is a very short time, especially for a young Star. Don't be tough on yourself, and take your time. Gain Star's trust and start working on step up's as you can. I'm no pro, by any means, and it took me a LONG time to teach my baby to step up.


Does Star take treats from you? If so, get his attention by holding a treat and then trying the step up command with a gentle push of the finger on the tummy. If he obliges with by stepping up, then it's treat time!


It will take some time for both of you. I compare it to teaching someone to ride a bike - seems like it will never work, then all of a sudden they're stepping up and giving us a verbal "up!".


Whether to teach inside or out of the cage, follow Star's lead. He'll let you know what's acceptable.


Star looks like a charmer!

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