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Update on Jim


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:) It appears that Jim didn't have much of a social life, he doesn't come out of his cage much, (twice a day now), and when he does, he doesn't stay out long. When we first brought him home, we saw that he had plucked quite a few feathers but that has stopped and his feathers are getting more sheen to them. We have put a few new toys in his cage but he doesn't like too many changes. He likes to be covered for 12 hours a day. He has a hanging ball in his cage and he occasionally bops the ball as he goes by it...whether it is out of nerves or not, we don't know. He will now eat pumpkin seeds (white and shelled) handed to him, yogurt treats and he also likes popcorn (plain popped corn). He is finally beginning to eat a few veggies but is not yet crazy about any fruit (Or I have not found the one he likes). He does not like his face to be wet or have anything on it. (which might explain why he does not like fruit). When we give Jim (and Spock, Salsa and the Suns) Smash, he enjoys it but can't stand anything on his beak. He will let us wipe his beak now, and we tell him "Let me wipe your face" and he stays still while we clean him (too cute).

Jim really likes Spock and perks up when Spock is around. Spock is really learning from Jim (and never shuts up LOL). He is imitating whistles and sounds that Jim makes. Jim does NOT like the Suns at all. Whenever the Suns come near his cage, Jim fluffs up and opens his beak. (It is funny because the Suns have never met anyone they don't like and they can't understand why Jim doesn't like them). He pays no attention to Salsa and the one time that she went on his cage, he ignored her and she left for another cage right away. When Jay leaves the room, Jim yells out "Where are you?" When Jay or I leave, we always take the time to explain to Jim (and the others) that we have to leave but we promise to be back.

Jim's vocabulary now includes "Hello", "Hi", "How are you?", "Where are you?", "Can I have a kiss?", "Where are you going?", and a number of whistles. He also makes the sound of running water when you change or touch his water dish. If you hold a glass of water to his beak, he will beak it and make the sound of a water drip. Every morning around or approximately 15 minutes before we uncover him, he says hello... We are encouraged, he has accomplished a lot in a little over a week and he does not chew his nails nearly as often as he did.

Picture210.jpgPicture211.jpgPicture212.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/07 00:55

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;) We found out that when Jim makes the sound of running water, he wants a bath!!!We were misting him and after we were done he started bathing in his water bowl and making his running water sound (DUH). We put a pan of water in his cage and he started bathing and making the water sound, smart bird's these Grey's:laugh:
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You're doing a great job with Jim, letting him take things at his own pace. It sounds like he's figuring out that his new home is a safe place, and you won the lottery. I mean, a grey who 'asks' for a bath, instead of locking down his feathers, running away from the water bottle, and looking at you with eyes that scream "how could you do this terrible thing to me, you bad bad parront!". :angry:

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