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Today is Ana Grey's Hatch Day. She is now officially One-Year Old!!! Of course we celebrated!!!!

First there was cake!!!!!



And then, of course, the presents!

Checking out the inside of the new Jolly Ball!


And, of course, the top of the Jolly Ball!


What a great day!!!



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Happy hatch day Ana Grey. Janet, how did you get her to love her Jolly ball. I want one for Charlie but he would fly a mile from it. Ana Grey looks so confident,and she has matured into such a beautiful young lady.

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Happy Hatchday to a special little lady, our beautiful Ana Grey.


Wow, can I come over and spend a birthday at your house Janet? What a wonderful birthday.

I just love the picture where she has her head stuck out the jolly ball, that is one to frame.


Have a special day, enjoy your time together.

Give Ana Grey a big kiss from me:kiss: xxxxxx

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Thanks everyone!!!!! Ana Grey had a great day!!! I spoke with her breeder this afternoon who said if I hadn't called she would have called me. What devotion to her babies! She remembers Ana Grey's birthday because it is her late son's birthday also. I told her that Ana Grey couldn't fly yet but she would some day and of course she reminded me how quick they are and could be out the door in a flash. She is not happy with my decision even though I tried to assure her I would be vigilant. Anyway all in all it was a great conversation and she was delighted all was well.

Thank you all for your good wishes for my little Ana Grey!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/08/07 04:38

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Lovethatgrey, I purchased it from Pionus Parrot's Jolly Balls & More, www.pionusparrot.com/shop, this is the 14" ball. You can purchase them plain $35 or they will decorate them; decorated Ana Grey's was $68.50. I put shredded paper (have a paper shredder) in the bottom of the ball so Ana Grey would have gripping power. I can easily change the paper daily or as needed. :)

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Im very sorry Ana Grey

Silly me missed your hatchday

I hope you had a day of fun

Now you are the age of one

I wont forget when you reach two

There will be a poem just for you

Ive made a note so i dont forget

So you be good for mom Janet :)

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AWW What a wonderful parront you are!! Those are all great pictures of Ana grey. Looks like she had a great day, that jollyball looks awesome! She looks so brave going on it too. Thanks for sharing these great pictures of Ana Grey. Happy hatchday!:kiss:

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{Feel-good-00020114}I'm really glad you purchased it from pionusparrots.com. It looked very familiar.




Jan does an awesome job on her Jollyballs. I hope Ana Grey beats the heck out of her toy!


By the way... Is Ana grey standing in ice water?<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/07 16:31

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