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GCC mutations?


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I am considering a Green Cheeked Conure, we are just in the talking and looking around phase but I hope.....


there are all these color mutations out there with the couple breeders I have looked at. Are these safe, can this affect their health and/personality. life span or anything wierd from breeding with these mutations?


Also if anyone had a GCC and a grey I wonder about the interaction they are very small birds and ZZero hasnt been around any other birds, would this be too drastic of a size difference to make it safe. I know there is no guarentee that they will get along but is there a possibility?


Again I am only thinking now and gathiering some info

Thanks in advance :)

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GCC are fine to get. The hybrids are in the same classification of all the hybrid lovebirds. As far as getting along with another bird, color has nothing to do with it. Either they'll get along or not get along or pay no attention to each other. That applies to every bird you bring home where another bird already lives. It also applies to 2 greys being put together.

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Thanks Dave, no I think think color had anything to do wiht them getting along I was worried about size difference?


I am glad to know that the mutations are safe cause they are all just so pretty there is a breeder slose to me with turquoise its beautiful.

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Cindy I have a sun conure and my grey and they do not get along, their cages are close and they are company for each other while we are gone but when I have them out I can't put them on the same playstand. Occasionally I will have both of them on my shoulder, one on each but I have to make sure that the conure doesn't try sneaking over to my grey, she is the more aggressive of the two birds but other than that I have no problems with them as long as I follow my rules.


Its funny how the smaller bird thinks she is so big but I know that Josey could kill her in a second if she wanted to but I make sure they don't get too close.

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Hi, I have a yellowsided gcc. The mutations you asked about are actually not hybrids at all, they are mutations that happen naturally in the wild. Breeders will breed for color definition but even if you breed a yellowsided with a normal, it is still a green cheek. This does not effect their personalities. Just as with Greys its based upon individuals.

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I had a GCC and just after I got Tyco like within 2 days Tyco reached through the bars of my GCC cage and bit his top mandable off. Sprout (gcc) kept getting up in Tycos face squawking and cattering at Tyco tryingtopick a fight. the door bell rang and I was the washing machine repairman. I let him in and showed him where the washer was and all of a sudden I heard a blood curdleing scream and I ran to see what was going on and tyco still had sprouts Top mandable in his mouth I'll never forget that morning I blame myself.I rushed him to the vet than goodness there was no internal damage to this day I don't now how I got there saftly I was crying so hard I could hardly see the road. I had to hand feed sprout for 7 months until his beak grew enough to be able to learn to eat on his own again. He lives with my daughter now Sprout just was totally bonded to her so when she moved she took him and Luna My fiery shouldered conure.

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I used to raise the GCC they are very sweet birds...however if you DO get one I would'nt allow to interact without close super vision if at all. And the colors are not hybrids just mutations of the GCC. A hybrid would be if you crossed them with another conure... say like a maroon belly, just as if you were to cross a Congo & a Timneh.

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