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behavior of grey


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My 2 month old grey i brought home 5 days ago has some weird behavior. I have just learned that is bad to buy an unweened bird but now i have the bird and no experience what so ever. I have read and read but still have questions. My bird will be on the floor playing and just lay on its side and ball up one foot for a while. The one foot seems to ball up a lot. Also the breeder said to wean the bird at 4 or 5 months but now i have read that i should already be giving some food. When are they strong enought to have seeds and pellets and ec.t My vet visit is friday but i am a nervous wreck scared to death im going to kill the bird or not notice its sick. Where do you buy scales and how much do they run. My bird also shakes after every feeding. She eats 2 ounces of formula in 2 minutes.(and always still seems starving, is that enough) I make sure the formula is warm but it never fails she shakes and i will get the heating blanket out. Also how long do you use the heating blanket. when do they produce enough heat for themselves. They answeres are in no book. I have a big huge cage for her. I let her play in it but should she sleep in it too. It looks like it would hurt her feet so i put puppy pads down when she plays but i would like to just let her in with nothing. Sorry i have soooo many questions i am just freaking out and not finding answeres anywhere in books or online. My breeder also has giving me tons of false info so i cant trust her either. I am hugely attached to this bird Anybody with advise i would greatly appreciate.

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Guest Lidia

Welcome to the flock, Amanda!


There are plenty of people here who have weaned their AGs themselves, and I am sure they will be able to set your mind at rest about most of your questions. I did not wean my own AG, so I don't know and don't want to give you 'guess' answers.


Can you explain what false information your breeder gave you? The more we all know, the better!



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Hi Amanda and welcome to the Forum.


It sounds like you are asking and doing all the right things.


The very knowledgable members here that will be able to give you the right advice.


You came to the right place :-)


The photo in your avatar is great, maybe when the dust settles you could post some photo'd of your baby!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/11 14:25

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Guest Monique

Welcome to the board!!!


This is my favorite article on weaning:



As far as your bird flopping onto its side ... no that's not really normal. Birds do lay funny ways before they find out how to perch when they are tired. But it would be odd for him to do that on the floor unless he is ready for a nap. Also I am not sure if usually by 8 weeks they are beyond that stage.


Make contact with the vet you plan to use and start to forge your relationship now. Bring your birdie in share your concerns and get some advice. You will also get lots of good advice on this board.


Please let us know how you come out!!

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Guest briansmum

brian used to fall on his side when i first got him and he was 13 weeks. he still wasn't good at perching and favoured the floor of his cage, he would try and lift one foot up like they do, wobble over and just stay in a laid down crooked position for a nap.

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Hi there, I am just weaning my bird, I got some great advise from texas girl. I was in more or less the same situation and she really helped out. My bird was 3 months old at the time I got it. I started feeding in 4 times a day with the mash warmed and squirted in his mouth. Maximum quanity was two tlb spoons mixed with enough warm water to make 40 ml. He took most of it although sometimes it was a bit less. I have also given soaked overnight seeds. Sunflower and corn kernels and I warm up frozen peas and he loves those. At the beginning he just mashed them in his mouth but everyday seemed to eat more and more. Texas girl told me not to feed apple just yet as it is bad for the poos. She told me to get some sweet potatoes but I haven't found any here yet. I did find though that baby food veggie flavor is also good. After feeding I put my bird in a pet container for an hour so that he can roost in peace and I certainly put him in after the last feeding at night with a few tea towels to make a nest out of. Normally these birds are not leaving the nest until they are about 8 months of age so they need pleanty of rest. I have kept mine only on low pearches durning the day to that he can't fall off. I have only started with my bird a month ago and seem to be out of the worst of it. You can email me if you want, but I would also try texas girl she really helped me so much. I don't know what to tell you about the laying on its side I would go to a vet just to be sure. Oh ya, get the scales they have been invaluable in being able to judge growth. Although my book said that they do tend to loose some weight at around 4 months when they start flapping and try flying... Good luck best regards Trina

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Amanda, Welcome! You will find lots of advice and experience here, you just need to keep reading. We got our bird at just under 9 weeks. She was already weaned, so I can't help you with that process. But you should offer her regular food as well as what you are feeding her. Buy the small pellets and offer some by hand. Certainly, you need to get the best advice from your vet, if you can't wait until Friday, call and ask them over the phone, they can help you get started.


Every bird is different, they usually decide when it is time to wean themselves gradually, so there is no right or wrong. Just keep offering her food. It would be best to use baby food now for vegetables & fruits. She is a little young for the others.


They will sleep and take frequent naps through out the day. So, allow her to do that as she will tire easily.


Good luck, enjoy her, and keep us posted!! Let us know what the vet says on Friday!!:)

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My bird was perching on his own at 8 weeks old and beginning weaning at that point. He's now 10 weeks old and is fully weaned eating pellets several times a day. My thoughts on this would be to take your bird to a vet and have it checked for sickness and then with a vets note of good health take it to a knowledgeable breeder to have it weaned and trained.


Mirek does sleep on a perch yet sometimes during the day he will get toweled and sleep covered up laying all flopped over under the towel. When I lift the towel to check if he's overheating and panting his eyes are closed and he seems content.

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Guest Lidia

xxbeccyxx wrote:

brian used to fall on his side when i first got him and he was 13 weeks. he still wasn't good at perching and favoured the floor of his cage, he would try and lift one foot up like they do, wobble over and just stay in a laid down crooked position for a nap.


I know I shouldn't laugh, but that is hilarious, it must have looked so cute and adorable!

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pretty much, i had a very bad breeder that bad instructions. Now everything is much better I have a much happier bird. Part of it was also i am just an newby with birds. Anyway all is well. Thanks for all the advise.

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