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cutting back feeding


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ok... another question. My baby is 11 1/2 wks old, 2 of the last 3 days he has only been interested in his morning and nite feedings ( this i know is normal) but this morning he showed no interest in him morning feeding either. I dont know if I should make him more formula and try again or just skip it. He is not whining for it, and when I got him out of his cage for his feeding he took his 1st flight :) so I dont know if he was excited over that and worked up so maybe thats why he didnt eat. he does eat his fresh fruits and veggies and his pellets. not tons of them but he does eat. Thanks in advance for any and all advise

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Congratulations, your Grey is starting to fledge!!! :-)


When they are trying to fledge, they instinctively lessen their food intake to reduce body weight and make flight easier.


Offer him the normal foods your keeping out during the day and give him his night time formula. Keep offering the morning formula as well. If he gets to where he completely ignores the morning, then stop it and only keep up the night time feeding.


Please do monitor your greys weight daily though to ensure he is not losing too much weight. It should not drop more than 20 percent when the fledging food intake reduction starts. He will gain weight back once the fledging is done. Just watch it closely and keep a daily log. :-)

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ty all :) again this morning he showed little interest in his AM feeding! My baby is weaning himself and at a quick rate :) he's growing up LOL. I guess he is relizing the real stuff taste better;) Thanks again for all the support I've been getting, u all are great ppl and greatly appreciated. You've made my trasition into new baby grey mom alot easier and less stressful.

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Some do wean much earlier than others. Yours does seem to want to go fly with the Big Boys rather than hang around with the ground dwellers. :P


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