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Broken Nail


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Kea had an accident last night and has broken her nail. I was out and my boyfriend called me to ask where the stuff was to stop the bleeding as he couldn't find it so I told him to just grab the flour. Anyway I came home to find Kea in her cage and the bleeding had stopped but she was holding her foot up and making a whimpering noise everytime she put it down.


We decided to leave her for the night as she was fluffed and ready to go to sleep. My boyfriend just sat with her until she fell asleep.


So this morrning I have just gotten up to inspect the damage and she has lost half of her nail. She seems fine though, asked me straight out where the food was and is talking and whistling. I opened the cage door and as normal she stepped up for me, but did a bit of a dance as the foot seems to be quite sore.


I haven't been making a fuss over her just did the morning routine as usual and talking to her like I normally do. She has eaten her breakfast and seems happy sitting on her perch.


So do you think the nail will grow back ok or is there anything else I should look for with the nail, like if it is cracked all the way up?

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Oh Man, you know that hurts.


The nail will grow back. She of course is going to favor that foot for a while. It sounds like she is doing fine with all considered. The only thing to watch for is additional bleeding. But, since you took the corrective actions last night and the bleeding stopped. It would seem it has coagulated nicely and all should be well unless she rough houses and nicks it.


So sorry to hear of this painful wound.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/06 14:51

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Cheers, we actually took her to the vet just to make sure everything was alright. She has to be cage bound for 2 days now to rest the foot and it looks like we will have to put Rangi in a separate cage if he starts to annoy her. As I write this though Rangi is in the cage with her giving her some tender loving preening.


I really can't believe she came through it ok and is just her normal self. I feel lucky to have 2 birds that seem to take everything in their stride.

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Well Kea's nail is better now and she is even telling us when we come near her to watch the foot. She says "be careful of the foot"...lol makes me laugh.


I also now know how she feels as I have just walked up Sweden's highest mountain and lost 2 toe nails in the process and have 2 swollen ankels.

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