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Bird Date 08052009-4


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Jim here: I just realized that these humans don't use telepathy so I have to dig deep and try to remember what I learned of "Humanese". I have remembered how to say "Hello", "How are you?", "Where are you going?", "Jim", "Give me a kiss", and I have also learned how to say "Spock" (I had to, he is such a pest). Now, if I can remember how to tell the Tribbles (Suns) to get lost...they are always playing on top of my quarters. I used to come out of my quarters at night only but these humans leave the door to my quarters open all day so I come out in the mornings also. Why not? They also try to feed me different food. The "Smash" is different but good but some of the other stuff...When they offer me something new, I touch it with my beak and then turn my head to the left briefly to let them know I don't like it. I can deal with a lot but when they offer me some of these exotic dishes...

Jim out...To boldly go where no bird has gone before


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Jim you should try some of those exotic dishes you might like them once you develop a taste for them. like all exotic food they are an acquired taste. I'm glad to hear that your trying hard to learn the human language so that the line of communication can open between you and the humans. and I am sorry to hear that those Tribbles are still giving you trouble. You have to admit they are cute even though their a bit of a pest.

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It's GreYt to hear you have recovered from the Klingon laser blast that made you delusional Jim. You never had telepathy and it's good to hear you talking again. Everyone wondered why you were looking at them like they just ignored a direct order :P


More words will come back as the brain swelling lessens.


Oh and you used to love those exotic foods and you claimed they boosted your sexual powers, so eat up!! ;-)


Why do you think the Tribbles multiply so fast? They eat that stuff!! :P

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:blink: OK OK,how about a break, I've been eating seeds for almost two years,now I'm given a tad of seed and all these veggies and fruit, (Spock, your a Vegan, oh, sorry, Vulcan) Fine, see I ate all most all you gave me, It's true about the Tribble's???(Thanks Dan;))

Jim out

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Those exotic foods are more than an aphrodesiac Jim, and while they may not look that enticing, I'm sure you'll understand the Federation's view on healthy living of mind and body as one.


Spoke may have to use that Vulcan Mind Meld on you to get you to understand that!





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