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Nelsons one and only


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Hi everybody. I was wondering if anybody could tell me why my 1 year old cag Nelson, will only come to me? He will give kisses to everybody and say hello, but if anybody asks him to step up, he totally loses it with them and flies straight to me and tries to hide under my chin,which looks rather funny. His partner in crime Cass, will go to anybody she knows for a good a good old fuss.Nelson is a male and Cass is a female i was wondering if this could be anything to do with it.

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I don't think the sex of the bird has much todo with it. Every bird has its own personality and your female is out going and extroverted and your male has chosen to be a one person bird and is more cautious of people he doesn't know. Many Greys are like this. It's very normal behaviour for a Grey

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My Ana Grey is very shy of other people; I do, however, admit that I am very picky about who I let near my grey and I do not encourage anyone to touch her. Excluding family of course. She does like to be where the action is but if strangers go near her she will growl very unattractively.

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The others are correct, some greys will pick favorites and only go to those people and that is what Nelson is doing, they do have their own personalities and Cass is more outgoing and accepting of other people. When you have more than one grey you get to see how one differs from another but its all normal behavior.

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My grey won't let anyone near him but me. Everytime someone new gets near his cage, he makes this shrieking sound. It's awful, scares people to death, too! He even does this with my dad, who is here pretty often. So I think that Nelson has just decided to be a one person bird, like mine has. My CAG is the sweetest bird in the world, but only to me. LOL

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