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Adventure pack!!!


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Looks like Chimay had a good time and got a little sun too, thanks for sharing the pictures with us.


Thats a great idea to replace the perch that comes with it with something they can hold onto better, I imagine that plastic perch can be slippery especially if it gets wet.

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That's a really good idea...I think that we'll be taking at minimum a good 15 minute walk outside in it each day. He was in it for about 15 or 20 minutes this morning before he started acting like he wanted out. I don't want to push him too far and make him stay in it longer than he's comfortable, so that it stays a positive experience

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Thanks for posting the cool pics of Chimay in the AP. That grapevine perch sure looks a lot more comfortable & easier to grip onto than the slippery plastic thing included. especially when carrying around on your back. Not sure if it's just the pic, but it looks an awfully tight squeeze for Chimay in that limited space. If as you hinted earlier, you plan on getting a Pak O'Bird carrier too, it will be interesting to get your comparison review of the two.


Happy adventure pak travels to you and Chimay. Ok, I'm off for another a Pak O' bird day trip outing with Alexander now. :)

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Glad you got yours hopefully i will get mine tomorrow i ordered it one day after you. I got the aviator harness in like 3 days. its her second one i demolished the firstg one with my vacuum cleaner. Got her into the harness. i was a little pushy so hopefully she will let me put it on her again. she wasnt all that happy with it. but after about 10 or 15 mins she was okay. we went for a nice walk. hopefully we can do it again.

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I bought the Adventure pak about 6or7 months ago and Tyco is no small bird at 579 gr she refuses to this day to get into it. Its fine for Fergie and Adaya they are both around 430 grams but for any bird much bigger than that the cage is useless I paid $270. for mine after shipping exchange rate and duty. thats more than I paid for Adaya's huge cage that she lives in. Thank goodness I have another travel cage that light weight and big enough that Tyco doesn't mind it at all I can't put it on my back but it is light enough to pack around. I had no trouble getting mine at all got it within a week after I ordered it and I've only used it once for my Amazon Adaya uses her harness when we go out. and like I said I bought it for Tyco so she could get some fresh air and enjoy walks with Adaya and I and so for me the Adventure pack was a total waste of almost 300.

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rbpittman wrote:

It would be great to see some pictures of Alexander in his Pack o Bird so we could get a comparision of the sizes.


You can view pics of Alexander in his Pack O'Bird carrier on my profile page:




I just uploaded a new set of him taking his first BART Train ride ! :)

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Scotty, thank you so much for such great pictures. I hope Alexander enjoyed his BART ride - I know when I was on the West Coast it was my favorite form of transportation...lol. I really like the room Alexander has in his Pack O Bird, and I'm sure that will be the carrier I get for Dixie and Sterling. The room available appears to be about the same for both of the carriers though. The AP I looked at just didn't strike me as being as well made as the POB. Especially after seeing the AP in the local shop.<br><br>Post edited by: rbpittman, at: 2009/08/26 00:02

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chimaysmommy wrote:

Oh yes I really like that Pak O'Bird...How big is your grey ScottY?


Alexander's 12.2" from tip of tail to top of head, and weighs aprrox 410 grams, so the regular Medium Size Pak O'Bird carrier provides him > adequate room. Celltei also has a custom Congo Grey version for people with larger sized Congos than Alexander is, but interestingly enough, the actual inside dimensions of the two carriers is identical. The only difference is that the perch is positioned slightly further back to allow more head room in front to keep a larger bird's head from hitting the front mesh. The seed cup positioning was also moved slightly. Just my personal opinion, but I don't think it's worth $70 for that minor customization. I suggest calling the manufacturer CELLTEI and speaking with Angie Yeung to go over your parrot's weight/size to determine which carrier (Medium or Custom one for a Larger Congo Grey)is best for your Grey. She's very friendly and helpful. Be sure to tell her hello from me.


- Scott Yee :)<br><br>Post edited by: ScottY, at: 2009/08/26 01:45

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Thank you ScottY!! That's interesting about the interior dimensions between the medium size and the custom size for larger Congos. We've taken Chimay out by the pond in his Pack twice since those pictures, and he seems content in it (he's very intrigued when his Daddy catches a fish...lol) but he has to turn around and face a certain way in order to stretch and his tail feathers seem to take a beating b/c any movement he makes rubs his tail against the bars of the cage. It's sufficient for now for taking him out on short fresh-air breaks, but I just don't think he'd be comfortable in it for extended outings.


Thanks for all of the greYt info ScottY!!!! Love the pics of Alexander in his carrier!

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