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Adventure pack!!!


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That is absolutely fantastic - they ship to the UK too!! Only, the UK isn't as "parroty" as the US & Canada and I think if I walked up the street with that on my back I'd get some funny looks!!! So, until I save up to move over there, I'll just have to wait for your photos!! ;)

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I know what you mean lol.

I take one of the greys to pick my kids up from school everyday, you should see the looks I get:laugh:

I tell the kids when they get embarrased, your different, everyone elses mum turns up with a dog, I turn up with a parrot:laugh:

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OMG - you don't!! Those poor kids! Social Services will be involved shortly :laugh:


I took Harvey in the front garden one day while I was weeding (our house faces onto a cycle track) and a woman walking her dog asked me if he was a pigeon! Until the UK catches up with the US & Canada we'll just have to be those "odd ladies with the birds!!". :lol:

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I hope the adventure pack arrives soon and you get lots of fun with it.


Caroline your poor,kids. Im ringing childline myself,lol. I bet they love it really.


Jill, we are not odd,just different.Mind you im not too sure.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/08/05 21:05

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Congrats on getting your Adventure Pack! My baby doesn't ocme home until late October but I got one to transport him and so he can go along when we walk the dogs. His breeder is training him for the aviator harness, but I like that the back pack can be fastened into the car seat and he can ride along on trips in it too. I would love to know how your bird gets along with yours.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay guys, I'm REALLY not at all impressed with this Flying South company. It's been 12 days since my order date, and I've been told on 3 different occasions that my Pack is ready to ship. The last time they told me was on the 8th, saying that it would ship the 10th. So Friday rolls around, and I call FedEx asking them to track my package by my name/address since Flying South can't seem to get my login on their site to reflect my purchase/tracking history. Lo and behold, nothing was on its way to me.


SO I wrote a fairly stern email to them, reminding them of the 2 previous promises of shipment and (seeing as how they've already billed me for both the Pack and their upsell for the additional canvas and mosquito nets) that I do expect a shipment soon. They emailed back apologizing, saying that they've been busy with the sale that they've been having. Here's my argument:


The promotion at the time read "Next 50 packs sold are $80.00 off retail." CLEARLY they did not adhere to stopping the promotion after 50 packs sold...it's just a gimmick to get people to purchase the packs at this $110.00 sale price (as I did). If they had, then it's pathetic that these 50 sale units are bogging them down so badly. They do have it clearly printed on their site that purchases "ship within 48 hours." 48 hours my a$$.


This is the LAST time I ever purchase from this company, regardless of how awesome the Adventure Pack does/doesn't turn out to be. I also find it unsettling that their phone number on their site has been disconnected. Too many complaint calls perhaps?

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Sorry to read about all your grief and aggravation with the Flying South Company. I had already written a post about their substandard follow up and terrible service. I guess you did not have a chance to read it and I am very sorry that you are experiencing a bad client experience too. I will never do business directly with FLYING SOUTH. They are pretty bad.

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