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Bald spot on head.


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My parrot has recently been peering out of his cage and seems to have gone bald where he head has come into contact with the cage, looks like friction has caused the feathers to drop out - is there a way I can get him to stop rubbing his head on the cage bars?


Has anyone elses parrots suffered this? I'm considering a new cage but wonder if the problem will still persist.

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My re-homed Eclectus rubs his beak on the cage bars and has a bald spot beside the right side of his beak. I just try to keep him busy and out of his cage as much as possible. He is over 10 years old so I don't think I am stopping the habit but perhaps I can slow it down. Good luck with your fid.

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The best way to help is to keep him busy. Offer plenty of things to chew,phonebooks keep my grey happy for ages.Also offer foraging toys so he must work for some food treats and they last longer, allow as much time out of the cage as you can.Hope this helps.

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