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Keeping my bird friendly


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Hi, We have had Storm our 14wk CAG for about a week now, So far she has been very well behaived, she will perch on any one who offers her a finger, and is already flying to me and my oldest son whos nine when we call her( well 8 outa ten times). She will also let us scrach her anywhere but her tail and wings. I was wondering if this is normal behaiver for this age of bird, and do they get more aggesive as they get older, Because when i was reading up on african greys on the web before we desided to bring one into the family it was saying they are mostly one person birds and it would take a lot of time and love for her to trust us..P.s any tips on anything about pet greys would be nice,,,, Many thank

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Part of it is the fact that she is a baby, but they have their own personality so you may have one that is more outgoing and friendly than most. They do get more independent when they reach sexual maturity so they can be a little more difficult to handle. I'm glad you have one that is willing to go to most anyone.

Welcome to our family and looking forward to hearing more about your Storm.

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Guest Monique

Welcome to the board and congratulations on your baby Grey!!!!


Judy's reamrks are right on. For some tips on Greys in general I would highly recommend Bobbi Brinker's

book "For the Love of Greys".

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Thanks Judygram, I hope your right and she is one of the more friendly and outgoing birds.. I was all prepared for this finger munchin unfriendly stubern bird for a few months. But she has been amazing even with my four year old...

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Not to rain on your parade but you will more than likely experience some aggressive behavior and a few bites in your lifetime with Storm. My Josey is a little over 1 year old and has never bitten me but I know the day will come that she will, she still has to go thru puberty yet and that is the real test.:blink:

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Welcome, and Congratulations! You sound like you have a very easy going bird. Just keep up all your doing, and she will stay outgoing and friendly. There will be the occasional stubborn streak, but that's normal for everyone....even us humans!! :cheer:

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Treat her like a member of the family.. she is afterall!:ohmy: Eat dinner together as a "flock", although she eats her food.. Watch TV together. Play games. Go for car rides, although they hate windshield wipers! lol. Just do your normal things together as a family and the Grey will include all that participate in it's flock.


And grats on bringing her home, I'm in the same boat as you.;)

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Guest Lidia

Welcome to the flock!


AGs can be one-person birds, but they can also be quite friendly and sociable (Joshua is). It depends to a great extent on the individual bird as well as on the environment in which they live. Storm sounds adorable and very well-adjusted and it's nice that you're letting her fly.


They can get somewhat more aggressive as they get older, but only in the sense that they have boundaries that they don't want you to cross. Once you know what these are, you'll be fine. They also go through a sort of 'terrible twos' phase, but it passes!


As to the wings and the tail scratching, I may have a way around this for you: Joshua lets me scratch both. If he is sitting on my shoulder or my lap and preening, if I tickle a particular spot he will preen it. I can tease feathers out and he will preen them. He also lets me slip my fingers under his wings while he is preening so I can tickle his armpits. You just have to be gentle and persistent and consistent. You'll get there!


Congratulations on the new addition!



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Again thanks everyone, Im new to looking after such a demanding loving bird. So all your advice is wellcome, Im also new to using the web for making friends and from reading past topics and browsing this site i think i've found a good place to start......

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This is the best place to be!! A great family, lots of fun jokes, photos, terrific members, the best advice, lots of shared experience, a variety of opinions, oh ya, and I shouldn't forget the most important reason we are all here....our greys!! {Nature-00020095}

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My Que (TAG) is 8 years old. The biggest challange to keeping her friendly is getting people to pick her up.

As long as she is no where near me she will still step up and not bite but she well protest loudly and this scares most people.

Play hot potato with her as much as you can while people still want to handle her. And don't forget towel training. If she does stop letting people handle her this well be very helpful.

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