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Why some parrots don't talk


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I'm a new grey owner and I was wondering if any of you have any theories why a parrot would or wouldn't talk. My bird is still only 4 months old so I want to start early with him and do my best to get him talking. I think it'd be nice for both of us if he could :)

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Hi Gorndt and welcome to the forum.


If you have an AG and you interact with it, the chances are it WILL talk, there are very few that don't and if any parrot is gonna talk then it will be the AG - they are known as one of the best parrot species for talking, hence why they are so popular as pets. Be sure to talk and interact with you bird often, pronounce your words well and repeat often. Don't expect too much talking (if any) until your bird is between 1-2 yrs of age. Most of all enjoy your grey and remember, if it doesn't talk it isn't the end of the world so long as he/she is happy and healthy.

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Relax and enjoy your Grey as Jooles said. :-)


Hey, your Grey is only 16 weeks old (4mos) give the baby a break. :-)


He will soon be entertaining you with many new whistles and sounds he learns from those he hears in your home.


He will also be listening and watching your very carefully. They learn from seeing items and actions your doing. If you are describing what you are giving him or what you are doing consistently, he will know exactly what those words mean in terms of items and actions. The first step in talking, is you will hear sometimes what sounds like low level sounds the you think may be mumbling, it is and they are calibrating before they ever announce that word to the world.


You've got a ways to go in time, so enjoy your grey, gets lots of photos and videos so we can enjoy them too. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/05 15:46

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There is no way to MAKE your grey talk, if they are gonna talk they will but some don't until they are a year old like mine did. You don't need to play any cds or anything, they will pick it up from your normal conversation but especially if you put emphasis on words as they seem to like the inflections in our voices.


Just give him time and more than likely he will talk.

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I agree with the others.

One of my greys dosent talk as much as the other two but he is the most affectionate out of the three and it dosent bother me at all.


Your grey will learn in their own time when to talk, just enjoy them for being them, dont expect it and if it happens its a bonus!

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Harvey's 7 months now Gorndt and starting the low mumbling noises - like the others say your grey will start whistling all sorts to get your attention and prove how great he is!


I kinda relate them to kids - you pray for the day they recognise things and you pray that they'll start talking soon - and then wish they'd shut up! Just enjoy the peace for now and enjoy what new things your birdie brings. Jill x :)

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Talk to your baby grey as you would to a human baby and your sweet baby grey will pick up on the words. Just be patient and say hello when appropriate and nite nite when appropriate, etc. Talk about what you are doing and your grey's desire to please and mimic will soon turn his mumblings and whistles into words. Just enjoy your sweet fid.

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Trust me. There will come a day when you wont't be able to shut him up. Yak yak yak yak all day long. Not to mention all the dog barks, smoke alarm beeps, whistles and other noises that will make you want to cover your ears.:laugh: Just kidding. I enjoy it all! so will you.


Whisper is a great talker and one thing I do that I think helps is whenever she says something I repeat it back. She will keep it going just to hear me perform for her. :laugh:

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