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Have we reached our Limit yet ? Maybe


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:) In response to "Have you reached your limit", we decided to start a separate post since our limit is so large.Up until a month ago, our limit including rescue and babies were 50. In the last few months, we sold 5 tiels to low income families with children and donated 19 to raise rescue money. Our fid count is now 19 birds, 2 of which we're training and will be gone soon. We have no income from our birds, it is a labor of love, and it is work to take care of all our fid's, but we love it...These numbers now we'll be our limit...(?)

We use a semi-rigid schedule; it starts at 4:45 am (we get up at this time and retire at 9 pm) first feeding, if we have feedings and fledges, if not it starts at 10:am. (Maggie starts her job at 6:30 am) Our tiels have their own room, they rise with the sun and it's lights out 12 hours later when we breed, and 10 hours when we don't. (all the birds we breed are friendly) Our CAG'S, Amazon and Conure's are covered at night at appox 9 pm and uncovered at appox 10 am. Around 9:30am, Jim and Spock start talking and Salsa cooes. From 7 am till 10am it's house cleaning and preparing fresh birdie foods, at around 10:30, it's fresh food for all non tiels. (smash), Then it's "Veggie Time" for all birds. When everyone is done eating, it's social time, most of this is with the CAG'S and Amazons ( they have constant attention),,The sun's are let out of their cage at this time also, and the tiels are released from their cages too, then rest time.(with Jim and Spock). I leave at 1 pm to get Maggie, giving all birds fresh fruit and seed/pellet mix, (sorry, I believe in seeds to a point) making sure I tell everyone I'm leaving and we'll return and that I love them. We leave a cd of chilldren music playing.

Maggie and I are gone from 3 to 5 hours 5 days a week, giving them free time which we feel, greys on down need. It also gives us quality time together away from our fids to talk about all they've done, all they've learned and what we have to do or change for them. We try to know all our fids likes and dislikes so we can try to cater to each one individually. This time to ourselves is also good because when we get home, we are missed and appreciated. When we return home, it is cage cleaning and feeding time. We give to Jim, Spock, Salsa and the two Suns, we give a small snack of Smash. Again, at this time all the birds are let out to play while I clean. I attend to the cockatiels and our rescues first because they will be going to bed shortly. I sing to them and play with them while I clean and work with Buddy, our poor conure. This is also bath time. The cockatiel room is warmer and more humid, they enjoy the higher temp and humidity. Then, I go to the remaining birds, Spock, Jim, Salso, the two Suns and the two Green-Cheeks. There is a lot of personal interaction with our two Greys and Amazon. The Suns are everywhere, especially under Jay's beard and under his shirt. Jay sits on the couch with Spock on one arm, Jim on the other, Salsa on his lap playing with scattered toys and the Suns running under and around Jay's beard. At this time, I have an assembly line of plates going with veggies and fruit for all the cages and for the next day's feeding that I wrap for Jay and label accordingly. Just before bed, Spock, Jim and Salsa get a small snack and they all head to their cages on their own. They know when it is bedtime and they head on over...by 9pm, they are in bed and covered. I try to be done by 8pm so we can watch a movie or tv while we play with the birds...We tell everyone of them goodnight as we cover them and I sing a goodnight song to them every night as I turn the lights out. This is not a chore, this is an act of love. We name all of our fids and spend quality time with each of them individually.

On our two days off, this is our time. It is the same days every week and again, a similar routine every week. If not hand-feeding, we sleep in but still uncover all the birds by 10am. We do their morning feeding and are out the door by 11am. We put extra fruit, veggies, seeds and water and we are gone 6-7 hours (local) and we return and do our regular night routine. On these days we go out to Feathered Friends and help out and get more supplies. This is also our major cleaning days. As we think of more things we do, we will reply with updates.

Can you imagine being in the cockatiel room and you open the cages and you have up to 30 of these beautiful babies landing on your head, back, shoulders and arms and all of them trying to get your attention at once, chirping? It is a beautiful feeling.....

Jay and Maggie ;)

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You have a heavy routine I thought I was busy I have it easy with 6 birds compared to you but I do the same sort of thing we have a fairly strict routine and I try my best to stick to it. The only difference is I don't leave them everyday i only work 3nights a week from 5pm til 11 pm so I do most of my shopping after work our grocery stores are open until midnight and I do most everything i need to do the nights that I work. I do go for about 2 hours from 8am til 10 am on Tuesday's because I have to plck up bird supplys such as pellets seed mix toys and anything else I may need for them that morning my birds stay covered an extra hour until I get back so they don't even know I'm gone. all the rest of the time we spent together. I'm lucky if you can call it that, I get a disability check each month so I don't have to work full time and my job pays really well. Also I own my home outright so no more morgage. this allows me to spoil my fids and take care of them the way they deserve. Its trully amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. I don't think I could do what you 2 do 19 birds is a little to much for me. I'm still trying to fit Harley into the Flock right now he gets about 10 minutes of total one on one time every 2 hours from 9am til 9pm and like the rest his cage is opened at 9am and they are all put to bed at 9pm tuck in kissed good night given a scritch and covered.

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All three of you are wonderful parronts but I truly am in awe of Jay and Maggie, you have more than dedicated your life to your birds and with so many I don't know how you do it but it is a labor of love. I hold the both of you on a high pedestal, you are an inspiration to us all, makes me seem like I don't do anything with just two birds.


It must be so funny to have the greys on Jay with the suns getting in and under his beard, what a sight to behold and they give you so much pleasure, I always look forward to Jays posts of the antics of Spock and Jim and the suns.

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We just have so much love for human and animal life and it took us many years to be able to get to this point where we could return the love. It doesn't matter if it is one or one hundred. To return love is all the same. To love and to care for something is all that matters. Maggie and I both co-author the posts, so you never know who you might be reading :laugh: Thanks to you all!!!!! Jay and Maggie

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