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Very aggresive grey


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my 22 year old grey we adopted has a bad attitude he puts his head down for me to pet him then he always tries to bite me i give him treats sometimes he will take the treat and sometimes he drops the treat and quickly tries to bite me when i walk up to the cage sometimes he avoids me and walks to the back and other times he talks to me but then sometimes he tries to bite at my face he puffs up shakes his head back and forth acting like he is crazy i dont know if he is trying to tell me to leave himalone or not because when i stay away from him he talks a lot and flutters his wings like he is begging me to spend time with him he seems to be getting meaner and when i am on the floor with my Beagle he climbs down his cage walks over and tries to bite my dog and i dont know why i guess he is jealous or something we love him a lot but he has been to the vet he is in good health he has toys but he seems to be playing mean with them he gets a great diet better than we do has a large cage and is always alowed to come out to go on top untill night time what do you recomend please help with our meany lol:(

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patient He is new to your home and he is testing his limit. keep talking to him and offering treats. If he goes to bite you say no bite don't shout but say it like you mean it and give him a dirty look and turn your back and walk away Ignore him completely for at least 1 minutes. To show him you want to be friends don't look at him straight on look at him with one eye or put your head down. never approach the cage straight on come in from the side or zigzag all this will tell your Grey that you want to be friends. You can always try offering him you tightly closed fist bend close your fist and bend your rist downward so that the skin on the back of your hand is very tight. then put your fist under his beak and say go ahead if you want to bite me get it over with. he will not be able to get a grip on the back of your fis just make sure you adjust your hand when he moves his head so that the top of your fist is always lined up with his beak and don't show any fear if he does bite you do not react Greys love drama and if your screaming in pain he will continue to bite because he will think its a game. I hope all this helps you.

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Reading your earlier post about adopting your new bird tells me you've only had it for a few short weeks. You've got a lot of baggage with an adopted bird, and you may be expecting a lot of the bird in such a short time.

I know just giving my birds a new toy creates a lot of anxiety - something that takes a week or so before they stop avoiding it. Putting a bird in a new home, with a new friend, new food, new schedule, and all has to be creating some protective instincts in your bird.

Sit with him, talk with him, and let it happen on his schedule.

By the way, does your bird have a name yet?

Let us know how he's progressing. And, I honor you for taking on a bird that needs a great home!

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Pfccamp wrote:

my 22 year old grey we adopted has a bad attitude he puts his head down for me to pet him then he always tries to bite me i give him treats sometimes he will take the treat and sometimes he drops the treat and quickly tries to bite me (


As the others have said, you have a very mature Grey that has been rehomed and needs time to adjust to the new environment and people.


Patience, patience, patience and love is the key.


You Grey is pulling a move on you that they learn very early in childhood with humans. It is BIG FUN to do the fake "I wanna scratch" or "Yeah, offer me that treat" and BAM gotcha!! "Hahahahahahahaha", you can hear that Grey belly laughing to himself.


My cuddle muffin Grey does the same thing.


Your Grey is not an aggressive mean bird. An aggressive mean bird would not try that game, it would just straight up attack you biting several times inflicting very deep and severe wounds. It would Growl at you with feathers fluffed everytime you even looked at the cage from a near distance.


This truly sounds like a good grey that simply needs time and for you to learn to read his body language and if in doubt, do not even try, thus eliminating the slightest opportunity to receive a bite.


Just sit next to his cage and talk to him, read by him, watch tv by him etc. He will know quickly that you are a friend, not a foe. :-)

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The others have given some excellent advice, he is testing his boundaries, he wants to know what you will let him get away with. Take the advice given and with some time and lots of patience I think you will be singing a different tune, he seems like a lovely grey he just needs time to become comfortable in his new home to show it.


And those ideas of Pat's to approach his cage in a non threatening way are excellent, we have to show them we are not aggressive to them but that we just want to be friends and she should know, she has lots of birds.

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Well welcome to you and Cory. You have already received great advice from very knowledgeable grey owners, All I want to add is that you sound like a very loving and caring parront and with love, patience and understanding Cory will be a marvelous forever companion and that is so worth the wait! Karma to you for re-homing an older grey!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/08/05 22:39

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