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Things are going so well I think


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I'm so pleased with the way Harley is settleing in.

The way Harley acted towards his previous owners I really felt that I was going to have way more trouble than he's given me. I saw him bite every person in that house hold at one time or another during the week I was visiting every day. The only exception to that was the young girl and she talked very quietly to him and moved in very slowly she gave him a little scritch and got him to step up inside his cage this whole process took about 2 or 3 minutes it was to show me he could be touched.

Well he is a different bird now that he is here I have never seen such a gentle bird with me I offered him a blackberry earlier and he was so gentle when he took it from between my fingers. He kisses me on the face with his tongue. You should see him dance boy can he shake his booty I will have to try and get a video he's a little camera shy. The only problem I'm having is that every time i give him scritches he gurges and I don't want him to give me his food. When he does it I say thank you Harley I love you too but I don't need your food and then I walk away. How can I stop him from doing this please someone help. I walk away when he does it do you think that will work if I keep doing this. Oh yea he's also talking up a storm he says quite a few things so far. I also wanted to ask if you think this is just a honeymoon period and when he settles will he be like he was with his old family. Or do you think he's just a very happy bird and will stay as wonderful as he is right now.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/05 08:54

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Lucky Lucky Harley! I'm lucky Pat - Harvey hasn't done this yet (and I don't particularly want him to!). How about having a treat in your hand (fat free!!) to give him each time you scratch him - he can't gurge if he's eating!! The only problem I foresee with this is he'll think he gets something each time you go near him! Perhaps replace it with a toy!


Can't wait to see more pictures of your stunning addition ~ I showed my husband his picture to show how beautiful he was and I was told "You're not getting one"! Bit out of my league methinks anyway!! :laugh:

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Things sound like they are going so well for you and Harley, in fact I dont think you could have asked for better Pat.

I knew you would be the right person for him and bring out the best in him.

Imagine what he will be like in a few months.


As for the gurging Pat, Im not sure what to try. My eldest still does this for me every morning but I can cope with it once a day.

Will you get some more pictures for us soon please?

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