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Getting his bird on


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That's what I call it; but, I'm wondering if any of you can give me a better idea of what he is doing.


When Benji first comes out of his cage in the evening when I get home from work and the whole family is doing their thing, he sits on a chair back or a perch and watches for a while.


Then, without warning, he lets out this huge screetch and flies around the family room a couple of times and lands again. He'll sit for a while and then do it again. He does it about three or four times an evening and then he just relaxes into his hanging out with the family routine.


There is no provocation that I can see. It just seems like he is acting or playing like he's a bird out in the wild or something.


Any ideas?

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When I was a kid I had a dog that would make three laps around the dining room table, around the living room (to include getting on the sofa and chair which were off limits) and down the hall into her bed. This was her thing every night just before bedtime. Who knows?




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Definitely normal behaviour, as the others have said. My Grey does that several times a day when out of his cage. He also does it when chasing the conure. :-)


I just stay the heck out of his way when he is in Pterodactyl mode. :P

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Oh Yea me too Adaya and my Indian ring neck chase each other all over the house playing tag Its fun to watch them they can create quite the wind as they fly at full speed dodge doorway and other things that get in their flight path. Its really quite something to watch I sometime jump thinking for sure there is no way they are going to be able to dodge what is in front of them only to watch them defy all lodgic and stop in mid air turn and fly the other way.

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